Now showing items 1-10 of 84
INI som nettsentrisk virksomhetsomgivelse - bruk av "Enterprise metadata" og "Communities of interest" (COIs)
Net-centricity is an approach that provides users the ability to access applications and services that make sense to them
through a web-enabled space, while simultaneously moving toward a web-enabled user community in ...
Survey of Key Management in Ad Hoc Networks
The wireless and dynamic nature of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) leaves them more vulnerable to security attacks than their wired counterparts. The nodes act both as routers and as communication end points. This makes ...
Enhetskostnadsvekst i Forsvaret
Operating cost escalation is considered one of the major concerns in the Norwegian Defence’s long term planning
processes, as it poses a threat to a sound investment portion in the Defence Budgets. Thorough knowledge of ...
Bistand med satellittbilder til øvelse "Green Osprey" i Senegal høsten 2005
In late autumn 2005 a section of the Norwegian Navy went to Senegal to attend to an international exercise. The maps available for the area were partly outdated, and had a smaller scale than was needed. FFI volunteered to ...
Ubemannede bakkekjøretøy med sensorpakke - teknologiinnspill til FS 07
Unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) have become an important resource during the latest wars/conflicts. They have
been used to a great extent, especially in Iraq, and particularly in urban terrain, have the unmanned ground ...
Jihadism online - a study of how al-Qaida and radical Islamist groups use the Internet for terrorist purposes
This report offers an analysis of how al-Qaida and likeminded groups use the Internet for terrorist purposes. The
phenomenon, referred to in the report as ‘jihadism online’, has increased dramatically over the past few ...
Russland og arbeidet med kjernefysisk ikke-spredning - en kartleggingsstudie
This study assesses Russia’s role and policy with regard to nuclear non-proliferation. It gives an overview of Russia’s nuclear sector and nuclear weapons, and discusses how Moscow goes about to prevent the outflow of ...
Ubemannet luftrom : teknologiinnspill til FS 07
Although human operators are an indispensable element in military aviation today, they are allready partly dispensable
in many functions. Indeed humans are becoming the limiting factor for further improvements in aerial ...
Folkerettslige forhold ved bruk av leverandører i internasjonale operasjoner
In the last 10-15 years there has been a growing focus on the use of civilian suppliers in international military operations
and on how they are used. This report is aiming to describe some basic law requirements of the ...
Fjernstyrte våpenstasjoner for kjøretøy og skip - teknologiinnspill til FS 07
Recent events, such as the war in Iraq, have contributed to a renewed focus on the vulnerability of gunners on lighter
fighting and patrol vehicles. Together with advances in electro-optical technology, this has lead to ...