Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Complete genome sequences of six Legionella pneumophila isolates from two collocated outbreaks of legionnaires' disease in 2005 and 2008 in Sarpsborg/Fredrikstad, Norway
Here, we report the complete genome sequences of Legionella pneumophila isolates from two collocated outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease in 2005 and 2008 in Sarpsborg/Fredrikstad, Norway. One clinical and two environmental ...
Rapid Identification of Bacillus anthracis Spores in Suspicious Powder Samples by Using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS)
Rapid and reliable identification of Bacillus anthracis spores in suspicious powders is important to mitigate the safety risks and economic burdens associated with such incidents. The aim of this study was to develop and ...
Identification of airborne bacteria by 16S rDNA sequencing, MALDI-TOF MS and the MIDI microbial identification system
The aim of this study was to collect and identify airborne bacteria in Norway, Sweden and Finland and to compare three different technologies for identifying collected airborne bacterial isolates: the “gold standard” method ...
Characterization of airborne bacteria at an underground subway station
The reliable detection of airborne biological threat agents depends on several factors, including the performance criteria of the detector and its operational environment. One step in improving the detector's performance ...
Temporal variability of the bioaerosol background at a subway station: Concentration level, size distribution, and diversity of airborne bacteria
Naturally occurring bioaerosol environments may present a challenge to biological detection-identification-monitoring (BIODIM) systems aiming at rapid and reliable warning of bioterrorism incidents. One way to improve the ...
Comparative testing and evaluation of nine different air samplers: End-to-end sampling efficiencies as specific performance measurements for bioaerosol applications
Accurate exposure assessments are needed to evaluate health hazards caused by airborne microorganisms and require air samplers that efficiently capture representative samples. This highlights the need for samplers with ...
FFIs støtte til sivile helsemyndigheter under koronapandemien - kvalitetskontroll av smittevernutstyr
Rapporten beskriver hvordan Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (FFI) støttet norske
helsemyndigheter under koronapandemien i 2020–2021 og instituttets evne og kapasitet til å
håndtere en tilsvarende fremtidig krise.
30. ...