FFI Publikasjoner: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 2965
Bolstering the Bastion: The Changing Pattern of Russia's Military Exercises in the High North
(2024-09-18)Between 2015 and 2022, Russia conducted a number of naval and air exercises, including live-fire drills, in the international waters and airspace on NATO’s northern flank. Some of this activity took place in the Norwegian ... -
Assessing Radar Attenuation in RIMFAX Soundings at the Jezero Western Fan Front, Mars
(2024-07-02)Estimates of radar attenuation in the shallow Martian subsurface are retrieved from RIMFAX soundings along the Perseverance rover traverse. Specifically, analyzed data is from the Hawksbill Gap area during the rover's first ... -
Capture and Release of Minke Whales Offers New Research Opportunities, Including Measurements of Mysticete Hearing
(2024-09)Knowledge about species-specific hearing is vital to assessing how anthropogenic noise impacts marine mammals. Unfortunately, no empirical audiogram exists for any mysticete whale. We therefore developed a catch-and-release ... -
Riding the yellow wave: the online populist communication of Rassemblement National (RN) leaders in response to the Gilets Jaunes protests and the 2019 European elections
(2024-07-02)Radical-right populist parties will often try to exploit and ride a wave of popular discontent for their own electoral gain. This paper studies the online populist communication of the leaders of the Rassemblement National ... -
Failures in Ukrainian Arms Procurement 2014-2023 The Negative Effects of Limited Access Orders (LAOs) on National Security
(2024-07-15)This article discusses critical failures in Ukrainian defense production and procurement in the period 2014 to 2023. The main puzzle is why Ukraine did so little to satisfy the needs of the country’s armed forces in essential ... -
Glyceraldehyde metabolism in mouse brain and the entry of blood-borne glyceraldehyde into the brain
(2024-06-22)D-Glyceraldehyde, a reactive aldehyde metabolite of fructose and glucose, is neurotoxic in vitro by forming advanced glycation end products (AGEs) with neuronal proteins. In Alzheimer's disease brains, glyceraldehyde-containing ... -
Generalizing the Black and Scholes Equation Assuming Differentiable Noise
(2024-10-09)This article develops probability equations for an asset value through time, assuming continuous correlated differentiable Gaussian distributed noise. Ito’s (1944) stochastic integral and a generalized Novikov’s (1919) ... -
Model selection techniques for seafloor scattering statistics in synthetic aperture sonar images of complex seafloors
(2024-06-30)In quantitative analysis of seafloor scattering measurements, it is common to model the single-point probability density function of the scattered intensity or amplitude. For more complex seafloors, the pixel amplitude ... -
Electric field gradients at the nuclei from all-electron four-component relativistic density functional theory using Gaussian-type orbitals
(2024-07-23)We present an all-electron, four-component relativistic implementation of electric field gradients (EFGs) at the nuclei using Gaussian-type orbitals and periodic boundary conditions. This allows us to include relativistic ... -
Creating content for social media training in Somulator
(2024-09-09)The social media training tool Somulator was launched by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) in 2022. The purpose of this tool is to provide a safe environment to use different forms of common online services, ... -
Guide to social media training with Somulator – 2024
(2024-09-09)How can the online information environment be handled in a crisis? Somulator is a training tool that can help to improve individuals', groups' and organisations' preparedness. States and extreme political groups have ... -
LybinCom 7.0 – interface description
(2024-08-12)LYBIN is a robust, user friendly and fast acoustic ray-trace simulator. A broad set of parameters is used to accurately calculate the probability of detecting objects in a given area under water with the use of ... -
Lærdommer etter tusen dager med krig i Ukraina – Utvidet sammendrag av FFI-rapport 24/01299
(2024-09)Hvilke erfaringer fra krigen i Ukraina er overførbare til norske forhold? 19. november 2024 vil krigen ha vart i tusen dager. -
Erfaringer fra krigen i Ukraina – læringspunkter etter tusen dager med krig
(2024-09-11)Denne rapporten oppsummerer noen av de viktigste erfaringene og læringspunktene så langt fra krigen i Ukraina. Studien baserer seg delvis på arbeid på de forskjellige avdelingene på FFI, spesielt med teknologisk avanserte ... -
Overvåkning av dumpet kjemisk ammunisjon – Utvidet sammendrag av FFI-rapport 24/01277
(2024-09)Etter andre verdenskrig ble et stort antall utrangerte fartøy lastet med kjemiske stridsmidler og ammunisjon. Noen av dem ble senket i Skagerrak. Ammunisjonen i vrakene på havbunnen korroderer. Hvordan kan vi undersøke ... -
Vurdering av metoder for å overvåke dumpet kjemisk ammunisjon i Skagerrak
(2024-08-13)Denne rapporten beskriver en visuell undersøkelse av tilstanden til tre vrak i Skagerrak. Utstyrs-rammer med blåskjell, kjempefilskjell og passive prøvetakere ble utplassert ved ett av vrakene for å undersøke hvilke metoder ... -
Hotdog - a heuristic on the determination of optimum globally using the mathematical programming language AMPL
(2001-08-09)An approach for robust, large-scale global optimization is developed, where robust refers to obtaining feasible local optimal solutions within constraints tolerances, and large-scale may imply nonconvex problems with ... -
Anvendelse av kunstig intelligens i Forsvarsmateriell
(2024-08-26)Stortinget har vedtatt en betydelig styrking av Forsvaret som vil føre med seg en økende oppdragsmengde for Forsvarsmateriell (FMA) innen alle ansvarsområder. Det er derfor viktig at Forsvarsmateriell har så gode og effektive ... -
Soldaten i framtidens operasjoner
(2024-08)Hvorfor er forskning viktig for soldaten? Dette magasinet handler om soldaten i framtidens operasjoner. Det er langt fra en uttømmende eller fullstendig vitenskapelig avhandling om emnet. Magasinet du holder i hendene, ... -
Continuous sound from a marine vibrator causes behavioural responses of free-ranging, spawning Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
(2024-01-09)Marine vibrators are a new technology being developed for seismic surveys. These devices can transmit continuous instead of impulsive sound and operate over a narrower frequency band and at lower peak pressure than airguns, ...