FFI Publikasjoner: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 2965
The cyber dimension of space systems – an analysis of offensive cyber operations targeting space infrastructure
(2024-12-12)Cyber security and space security are merging due to increased digitalization of space infrastructure and operations. Non-kinetic counterspace capabilities such as cyber operations are an attractive alternative to kinetic ... -
Campaigning with partners in the fourth age of SOF – the case of Norwegian – U.S. High North collaboration
(2024-10-11)Special Operations Forces (SOF) need to adapt to a new operating environment, characterized by competition, state-centric threats, and the use of conventional military power. The adaptation is a consequence of the existing ... -
Syntetisk biologi og bioteknologi i forsvarssektoren
(2024-11-18)Syntetisk biologi og bioteknologi er et felt i rask utvikling som forventes å få bred anvendelse innenfor mange områder i samfunnet, både sivilt og militært. Teknologiene løftes frem av Nato Science and Technology Organization ... -
Evaluation of frozen sand descaling on operational airport surfaces
(2024-10-29)This report is a modified (UNCLASSIFIED) version of the original FFI-report 22/01432 (EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE). The Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency (NDMA) has observed significant wear on internal jet engine ... -
Multinational search and rescue in the Arctic – findings from a concept development assessment game
(2024-12-03)The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) facilitated a three-day concept develop-ment assessment game (CDAG) in Oslo, October 15–17, 2024. FFI conducted the game to support the multinational project Climate change ... -
Nyttestyring i forsvarsprosjekter – hvordan formulere gode effektmål?
(2024-12-02)Forsvarssektoren, i likhet med andre sektorer, opplever utfordringer med å både oppnå og måle effekter av investeringsprosjekter. Det er godt dokumentert i empiriske studier at nyttestyring er et sentralt verktøy for å ... -
Achieving Sub-Pixel Platform Accuracy With Pan-Tilt-Zoom Cameras in Uncertain Times
(2024-11-28)In this paper, we present a novel method for selfcalibrating a pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) camera system model, specifically suited for long-range multi-target tracking with maneuvering low-cost PTZ cameras. Traditionally, such ... -
The future Arctic operating environment – Extended summary of FFI report 24/00993
(2024-12)By 2050, trends in geopolitics, environment, military systems, doctrines, and society will have altered the operating environment in the Arctic. This will have significant implications for the Norwegian Armed Forces. -
Bedre samarbeid – læringspunkter fra Forsvarsmateriells strategiske samarbeid med Teleplan Globe
(2024-12-02)Strategisk samarbeid med norsk forsvarsindustri skal styrke forsvarssektorens tilgang til materiell, tjenester og kompetanse. I denne rapporten analyserer vi et strategisk samarbeid mellom Forsvarsmateriell (FMA) og ... -
Effects of a 10-d Military Field Exercise on Body Composition, Physical Performance, and Muscle Cells in Men and Women
(2024-04)Purpose: To investigate the effects of a demanding military field exercise on physical performance, body composition and muscle cellular outcomes in men and women. Methods: Ten men (20.5 ± 0.5 years) and 8 women ... -
Kremls økonomiske planer – den russiske regjeringens forslag til føderalt budsjett for 2025 og planperioden 2026–2027
(2024-11-29)Den 30. september 2024 ble den russiske regjeringens forslag til føderalt budsjett for 2025 og planperioden 2026–2027 lagt frem. Budsjettet er ventet vedtatt i slutten av november 2024. Denne rapporten analyserer de viktigste ... -
Merutnyttelse av E-blanks med app for skytetrening og Saab-integrasjon – med Hurtig problemløsning som metode
(2024-11-28)I 2022 etablerte FFIs senter for innovasjon i forsvarssektoren, ICE worx, en ny type innovasjonsaktivitet som ble kalt Hurtig problemløsning (HP). En HP-aktivitet skal bidra til å identifisere behov hos Forsvaret, iterativt ... -
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling of aerodynamic coefficients of projectiles moving at subsonic and supersonic speed
(2024-11-28)Aerodynamic coefficients of drag, lift and overturning moment for a small-calibre projectile are calculated using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modelling applying the Fluent hydrocode. 250 computational cores were used ... -
Direct hearing measurements in a baleen whale suggest ultrasonic sensitivity
(2024-11-21)Predicting and mitigating the impacts of anthropogenic ocean noise on marine animals is hindered by a lack of information on hearing in these species. We established a catch-and-release program to temporarily hold adolescent ... -
Fusion of passive and active electro-optical sensor data for enhanced scene understanding in challenging conditions
(2024-11-01)Passive electro-optical systems, such as visible and infrared light cameras, and active systems, such as ladar or LiDAR, can acquire detailed two- and three-dimensional images of a scene. This paper presents a sensor fusion ... -
On the importance of systems thinking in ERW (explosive remnants of war) risk management
(2024-01-02)One of the legacies of armed conflict is unexploded ordnance and abandoned ammunition. This legacy will, in many cases, have a severe impact on society and daily life, even for years or decades after hostilities have ... -
How to Understand Climate Change as a Threat Multiplier in the Arctic
(2024-11-18)The aim of this paper is to analyse climate change as a threat multiplier to security dilemmas in the Arctic. Security dilemmas occur when one state’s efforts to enhance its security provokes reactions from other states, ... -
Forsvarsindustrien i Norge – statistikk for 2023
(2024-10-24)Vi har studert nøkkeltall for 2023 fra virksomhetene i forsvarsindustrien i Norge. Industrien har samlet sett rapportert om vekst i forsvarsrelatert omsetning på 32 %. Både omsetningen til Forsvaret, til andre norske kunder ... -
Prevalence of musculoskeletal pain and associated factors among professional orchestra musicians in Norway
(2024-06-06)Background: Orchestra musicians have a high risk of experiencing musculoskeletal problems. These problems may lead to sleep and psychological disturbance. Objectives: This study investigated the occurrence of musculoskeletal ... -
War, diplomacy, and more war: why did the Minsk agreements fail?
(2024-11-15)Despite significant Western involvement, most notably by the leaders of Germany, France, and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the diplomatic efforts in 2014 and 2015 to forge a functioning ...