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dc.contributor.authorBergh, Arilden_GB
dc.description.abstractHow can the online information environment be handled in a crisis? Somulator is a training tool that can help to improve individuals', groups' and organisations' preparedness. States and extreme political groups have exploited social media in subversive operations over the past decade. This has become a serious problem for democracies. Operations occur as well before as during armed conflicts, such as in Ukraine. The same applies to crises, such as the covid-19 pandemic. The influence has led to general misinformation, from conspiracy theories to personal attacks on politicians. The development has created a need for organized training in how to handle the online information environment in a crisis. The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) has developed a tool called Somulator. It can facilitate this type of training. Somulator simulates a complete information environment in social media. It provides a realistic training situation. Somulator uses a variety of open-source web applications. It copies well-known platforms such as Facebook, Twitter1, Instagram and YouTube, as well as online news sites. Somulator is designed to be extensible, in the sense that other social media can be added over time. These platforms are controlled through purpose-built training tools. They facilitate the automated distribution of large amounts of content and preparation. This is followed by the implementation and summary of training sessions and exercises. This report discusses the requirements and the various use cases that emerged during the initial planning phase. Next, we examine how Somulator can be compared to other solutions. We summarize the current features of Somulator. These sections of the report can be used by potential users to assess whether Somulator fits their training needs. The core of the report explains how content in social media is central to achieving the training objectives. We provide clear examples of how to develop and distribute content for simple and advanced training cases. The general workflow of a Somulator training session is explained, and the various stages of development, production and distribution are discussed. The report also describes the roles of participants and exercise supervisors (Excon) when it comes to access to and use of Somulator.How can the online information environment be handled in a crisis? Somulator is a training tool that can help to improve individuals', groups' and organisations' preparedness. States and extreme political groups have exploited social media in subversive operations over the past decade. This has become a serious problem for democracies. Operations occur as well before as during armed conflicts, such as in Ukraine. The same applies to crises, such as the covid-19 pandemic. The influence has led to general misinformation, from conspiracy theories to personal attacks on politicians. The development has created a need for organized training in how to handle the online information environment in a crisis. The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) has developed a tool called Somulator. It can facilitate this type of training. Somulator simulates a complete information environment in social media. It provides a realistic training situation. Somulator uses a variety of open-source web applications. It copies well-known platforms such as Facebook, Twitter1, Instagram and YouTube, as well as online news sites. Somulator is designed to be extensible, in the sense that other social media can be added over time. These platforms are controlled through purpose-built training tools. They facilitate the automated distribution of large amounts of content and preparation. This is followed by the implementation and summary of training sessions and exercises. This report discusses the requirements and the various use cases that emerged during the initial planning phase. Next, we examine how Somulator can be compared to other solutions. We summarize the current features of Somulator. These sections of the report can be used by potential users to assess whether Somulator fits their training needs. The core of the report explains how content in social media is central to achieving the training objectives. We provide clear examples of how to develop and distribute content for simple and advanced training cases. The general workflow of a Somulator training session is explained, and the various stages of development, production and distribution are discussed. The report also describes the roles of participants and exercise supervisors (Excon) when it comes to access to and use of Somulator.en_GB
dc.description.abstractHvordan kan det digitale informasjonsmiljøet håndteres i en krise? Somulator er et treningsverktøy som kan bidra til å forbedre beredskapen hos enkeltpersoner, grupper og organisasjoner. Både stater og ekstreme politiske grupper har utnyttet sosiale medier i påvirkningsoperasjoner det siste tiåret. Dette er blitt et alvorlig problem for demokratier. Påvirkning skjer både i forkant av og under væpnede konflikter, som i Ukraina. Det samme gjelder under kriser, som covid-19-pandemien. Påvirkningen har ført til generell feilinformasjon, fra konspirasjonsteorier til personangrep på politikere. Utviklingen har skapt et behov for organisert opplæring i hvordan en håndterer informasjons-miljøet på nettet i en krisesituasjon. Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (FFI) har utarbeidet et verktøy kalt Somulator. Det skal legge til rette for denne typen opplæring. Somulator simulerer et komplett informasjonsmiljø i sosiale medier. Det legger vekt på å gi en realistisk opplæringssituasjon. Somulator bruker en rekke nettapplikasjoner med åpen kilde-kode. Det kopierer kjente plattformer som Facebook, Twitter2, Instagram og YouTube, samt nyhetssider på nettet. Somulator er designet for å kunne utvides, slik at flere sosiale medier kan legges til etter hvert. Disse plattformene styres gjennom spesialbygde opplæringsverktøy. De legger til rette for automatisert distribusjon av store mengder innhold og forberedelse. Deretter følger gjennomføring og oppsummering av opplæringsøkter og øvelser. Denne rapporten diskuterer kravene og de ulike brukstilfellene som dukket opp i den innledende planleggingsfasen. Deretter undersøker vi hvordan Somulator kan sammenlignes med andre løsninger. De nåværende funksjonene i Somulator oppsummeres. Disse avsnittene i rapporten kan brukes av potensielle brukere, for å vurdere om Somulator passer til deres opplærings-behov. Kjernen i rapporten forklarer hvordan innhold i sosiale medier er sentralt for å nå opplærings-målene. Vi gir klare eksempler på hvordan man kan utvikle og distribuere innhold for enkle og avanserte opplæringstilfeller. Den generelle arbeidsflyten i en Somulator-opplæringsøkt forklares, og de ulike stadiene i utvikling, produksjon og distribusjon diskuteres. Rapporten beskriver også rollene til deltakere og øvingsansvarlige (Excon) når det gjelder tilgang til og bruk av Somulator.en_GB
dc.subjectSimulering og simulatoreren_GB
dc.subjectSosiale medieren_GB
dc.subjectKognitiv krigføringen_GB
dc.titleGuide to social media training with Somulator – 2024en_GB

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