Now showing items 901-920 of 1948

    • Policy og praksis for gjenkjøp - en komparativ studie av sju nasjoner 

      Skøelv, Åge; Bjørk, Hanne Marit (2006)
      The Norwegian offset guidelines are up for revision, and this study has been part of a process of establishing a new Norwegian offset policy and practice. The purpose of this report has been to conduct a comparative study ...
    • System requirements analysis for a torpedo defence tactical model 

      Karlsen, Marcus; Nordø, Erik; Langset, Frode (2000)
      During the coming years FFI will assist the Royal Norwegian Navy’s Material Command in the testing and verification process of their new frigates. A part of this consists of developing reaction rules against attacking ...
    • AMRISK version 2.0 - reference manual 

      Holm, Knut B.; Elfving, Carl; Øiom, Hans (2006)
      AMRISK is a tool for Explosives Safety Quantitative Risk Analysis in Norway and Sweden. It calculates risk for persons in the vicinity of ammunition storages. The calculations include probability of an accidental explosion, ...
    • Forsvarets miljøregnskap for 2005 

      Christiansen, Magnus; Reistad, Trine; Ringnes, Hege; Longva, Kjetil Sager (2006)
      The implementation of enviromental management in Norweigan Armed Forces was initiated in 1998. By order of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Norweigan Defence Research Establishment (NDRE) deployed an Environmental Management ...
    • Bekjempelse av internasjonal terrorisme : fra militærmakt til utviklingshjelp 

      Hansen, Annika; Bokhari, Laila; Kjølberg, Anders; Knutsen, Bjørn Olav; Østerud, Øyvind; Aabakken, Ola (2006)
      The present report provides an overview over different strategies of combating terrorism. It serves to clarify the conceptual basis for analyses in the TeTe2 project and can be used as a reference document that provides ...
    • Time referencing in offshore survey systems 

      Jalving, Bjørn; Berglund, Einar (2006)
      The accuracy of offshore survey sensors such as multibeam echo sounders, GPS, ultra-short baseline acoustic navigation systems and attitude sensors is steadily increasing. Integration of high-precision survey and ...
    • Samarbeid mellom Forsvaret og industrien innen programområdet INI 

      Skogstad, Arne K.; Warberg, Erik N. (2006)
      This report is focused on the Defence Information and Communication infrastructure (INI). The Ministry of Defence Policy guidelines are quite ambitious regarding the further development of INI, and focus on the importance ...
    • Industriens roller som både leverandør og rådgiver : muligheter og begrensninger 

      Warberg, Erik N. (2006)
      This report wishes to identify the different needs of large and complex defence procurements ranging from the needs for efficient project management to needs concerning transparency and competition for public procurements. ...
    • Egenskaper til PBXN-109 aldret i 12 mnd. ved 60 grader C - PBXN-109 med RS-RDX Ch. 719 03 v. 78 krystaller 

      Nevstad, Gunnar Ove (2006)
      Questions have been asked about the stability of RS-RDX with regard to shock sensitivity during the lifecycle of a PBX. To study if RS-RDX does change properties due to ageing, PBXN-109 was selected as our composition for ...
    • Optimeringsmetoder innen operasjonsanalyse - en oversiktsstudie 

      Fauske, Maria Fleischer (2008)
      Denne rapporten er en oversiktsstudie av optimeringsmetoder, utarbeidet av prosjekt 1068 ”Metoder og modeller for analyse av freds- og lavintensitetsoperasjoner”. Bruk av optimeringsmetoder er veletablert innen ...
    • Oppvarming av litium- og litiumionceller 

      Forseth, Sissel; Johannessen, Tom C.; Hasvold, Øistein (2006)
      Lithium cells may for safety purposes be equipped with safety vents, shut down separators and various types of fuses. In this work lithium primary cells, lithium ion cells and a lithium ion polymer battery block have been ...
    • Utviklingen mot et europeisk marked for forsvarsanskaffelser - implikasjoner for gjenkjøpsordningen 

      Wroldsen, Tone (2007)
      The report focuses on the development towards a European defence equipment market and the implications for offset practices. Defence procurement falls within the scope of European Community law and is subject to public ...
    • Sensorsystemer for styrkebeskyttelse - teknologiinnspill til FS 07 

      Dyrdal Idar; Palm, Hans Christian (2006)
      This report describes electronic sensors and sensor systems for use in force protection. Two types of systems are treated: 1) perimeter surveillance systems for protection of military camps and other permanent or ...
    • Nettverksbasert logistikk (Total Assett Visibility) - teknologiinnspill til FS 07 

      Schjelderup, Tor-Erik; Langsæter, Tor (2006)
      The scope of FFI project TEK14 is to identify technologies that will shape tomorrow’s battle field. This report is one of 20 reports adressing important technologies thought to have a major impact on the development of ...
    • Sensitivity of LYBINs transmission loss due to variations in sound speed 

      Hjelmervik, Karl Thomas (2006)
      This study is motivated by the Sea Acceptance Test 2 (SAT2) to be made sometime in 2006. The testing of the new Norwegian Frigates sonar system will involve use of the acoustic ray trace model, LYBIN. The study reveals ...
    • RTP 103.014 FFI 1.2.2 TR 103 Overview of the Norwegian testing 

      Dullum, Ove; Elvebakken, Dag; Antonsen, Gard; Lilleborge, Jørn; Fjeldly, Tor A.; Sagsveen, Bendik (2006)
      This document is generated in Work Element 1.2.2 and forms a part of the Norwegian contribution to WEAO project Europa 103.014 ”Lightweight low cost carbon fibre composite materials and structures for Armoured Fighting ...
    • Boundary effects in penetration into concrete 

      Teland, Jan Arild; Sjøl, Henrik (2000)
    • PBXN-110 studier 

      Nevstad, Gunnar Ove (2006)
      The PBXN-110 composition has been used to test the quality of HMX crystals. PBXN-110 is a cast cure PBX containing an inert binder system and HMX. A ratio of 3:7 between HMX class 2 and class 3 and a filler content ...
    • Egenskaper til PBXN-109 aldret i 6 mnd ved 60 grader C - PBXN-109 med RS-RDX Ch. 719 03 v. 78 krystaller 

      Nevstad, Gunnar Ove (2006)
      Questions have been asked about the stability of RS-RDX with regard to shock sensitivity during the lifecycle of a PBX. To study if RS-RDX does change properties due to ageing were PBXN-109 selected as our composition for ...
    • Målinger av lydtrykket nær CV90, AGL, 12.7, Rena 

      Huseby, Morten; Hugsted, Bjørn; Wiencke, Anne Cathrine (2007)
      Denne rapporten er del av et pågående arbeid for å forbedre Forsvarsbygg sin evne til å evaluere støynivået rundt skytefelt. Her dokumenterer vi målinger som ble gjort på Rena 11. mai 2006. Der ble det målt tidsserier ...