Now showing items 1601-1620 of 1948

    • Fragmentation of 40 mm shell with 6 different compositions : 4 melt cast and 2 press filled 

      Nevstad, Gunnar Ove (2015-12-02)
      In the EDA project B-0585-GEM2-GC “Formulation and Production of New Energetic Materials” different nitropyrazoles for use in melt cast compositions have been studied, in addition to GA/BAMO polymers, for use as binder ...
    • Sagnac interferometer for differential rotation rate measurement 

      Vines, Lasse (2002)
      The development of a fiber optic sensor for measurement of the differential rotation rate between two parallell axis is reported. Different designs based on the Sagnac Interferometer are considered, and a design for use ...
    • Perforation of concrete targets 

      Sjøl, Henrik; Teland, Jan Arild (2003)
      During construction of concrete buildings for military purposes, one is interested in minimizing the potensial damage caused by an impacting projectile. To achieve this, it is necessary to use a wall thickness that either ...
    • Dynamic behaviour of ceramic armour systems 

      Rahbek, Dennis Bo; Johnsen, Bernt Brønmo (2015-11-10)
      Protection against high-velocity impact from objects such as projectiles is of major concern for bothmilitary and civilian purposes. Lightweight body armour systems for ballistic protection of personnel can be designed ...
    • Modular distributed signal processing network for CHESS 

      Sagvolden, Geir (2000)
      This report documents the modular distributed signal processing system developed for the CHESS project. The system is made of small modules, each performing a signal processing, data visualisation or file access task. ...
    • Analysis of maritime operations - methodology and implementation 

      Drangfelt, Marie; Guttelvik, Mona Sagsveen; Aas, Johan; Sendstad Ole Jakob (2016-10-12)
      The report presents the accumulated experience, obtained methodology and associated recommendations gained through FFI project P1200 (Analysis of Maritime Operations) and P1337 (Analysis of Maritime Operations and ...
    • Intermediate scale gap test of MCX-6002 

      Nevstad, Gunnar Ove (2015-11-18)
      The main explosive filling in munitions must have properties that fulfill the IM-requirements in STANAG 4439. An important property for several of the IM threats is the shock sensitivity of the explosive filling. With ...
    • Intermediate Scale Gap Test MCX-6100 CH 6027/14 

      Nevstad, Gunnar Ove (2015-12-16)
      The main explosive filling in munitions must have properties that fulfil the IM requirements in STANAG 4439 (1). An important property for several of the IM threats is the shock sensitivity of the explosive filling. Based ...
    • NSAT-1: nye momenter vedrørende kooperative overvåkningssystemer, flerfrekvent sensor samt havbølgers innvirkning på deteksjon og dekning 

      Høye, Gudrun; Eriksen, Torkild; Wahl, Terje; Lyngvi, Aleksander; Narheim, Bjørn T. (2001)
      This report complements the NSAT-1 Phase-A Report with a discussion of three important topics. These are: (1) The emerging cooperative maritime surveillance systems. (2) The possibility of a dual-band NSAT sensor for ...
    • "Med krisekommunikasjonsplanen i lomma" - mobilapplikasjoner til krisehåndtering i totalforsvaret 

      Hagen, Janne Merete; Hafnor, Hilde (2016-03-29)
      FFI-prosjektet «Smart samhandling i det nye informasjonslandskapet» (Sinett) setter søkelyset på militært-sivilt samarbeid og mer effektiv samhandling i Forsvaret ved bruk av sivil teknologi som smarttelefoner, skytjenester ...
    • Design og implementasjon av FFI GCS - kontrollstasjon for ubemannede systemer 

      Skjervold, Espen (2016-02-26)
      Formålet med denne rapporten er å dokumentere og gjøre kjent en egenutviklet kontrollstasjon for ubemannede systemer, tatt frem gjennom prosjektet 1359 «Teknologi for fremtidens UAS». Motivasjonen for å utvikle en egen ...
    • Sympathetic reaction TEMPER simulations for 155 mm shell filled with MCX-6100 composition 

      Nevstad, Gunnar Ove (2015-10-22)
      IM classification of munitions requires testing according to STANAG 4439 (1). All tests have to be performed unless the Threat Hazard Analysis shows that specific threats in the STANAG do not occur in the life-cycle of ...
    • Lykkes effektiviseringen? - en analyse av forsvarssektorens ressursbruk 2004-2015 

      Berg, Ida Helene (2016-06-15)
      Forsvarssektoren utfører sine oppgaver innenfor gitte økonomiske rammer. Dette medfører et kontinuerlig behov for kartlegging av utgifter for å sikre at ressursene anvendes på operativ virksomhet. Behovet for frigjøring ...
    • MODITIC - report on source term modelling 

      Burkhart, Stephane; Björnham, Oscar; Vik, Thomas; Leroy, Guillaume (2016-10-13)
      The European Defence Agency (EDA) project B-1097-ESM4-GP “MOdelling the DIspersion of Toxic Industrial Chemicals in urban environments” (MODITIC) has in the period from 2012 to 2016 studied the release and transport of ...
    • Cheetah calculations of GA BAMO candidate compositions 

      Nevstad, Gunnar Ove (2015-12-02)
      Norway’s main objective in the EDA project No B-0585-GEM2-GC “Formulation and Production of New Energetic Materials” was to synthesize different new energetic binders built of GA and BAMO polymers. Before starting ...
    • Intermediate scale gaptest of MCX-6100 

      Nevstad, Gunnar Ove (2015-11-18)
      The main explosive filling in munitions must have properties that fulfil the insensitive munitions requirements in STANAG 4439. An important property for several of the IM threats is the shock sensitivity of the explosive ...
    • Cloud influence on maritime surveillance by an optical satellite 

      Bjerke, Pål (2016-03-03)
      Disturbing clouds may be a showstopper when planning a maritime surveillance satellite with an optical sensor. When the probability of clouds in any place is in the range of 75 %, it is indeed important to know where the ...
    • Kildedata for støy fra NM218, MØR, HK 417S, MG3, treningsammunisjon og løsammunisjon 

      Huseby, Morten (2015-10-17)
      Forsvarsbygg benytter beregningsverktøyet MilNoise til å forvalte støygrensene rundt Forsvarets skyteog øvingsfelt. Når man skal predikere akustisk støy langt unna våpenet, må man måle kildestyrken 5–20 m fra et håndvåpen. ...
    • Stabilisering av tungmetaller i jord 

      Mariussen, Espen; Johnsen, Ida Vaa (2016-03-29)
      Flere tonn metaller og metalloider som kobber (Cu), bly (Pb), sink (Zn) og antimon (Sb) fra ammunisjon deponeres årlig i norske skytefelt. Metallene som deponeres vil, i tillegg til mekanisk slitasje, korrodere når de ...
    • Characterization of MCX-6002 and MCX-8001 

      Nevstad, Gunnar Ove (2015-11-18)
      Knowledge about properties of explosive composition is important regardless of the applications. The performance of explosive compositions depends on detonation velocity and detonation pressure. The munition sensitivity ...