Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Til sengs med bjørnen? : sikkerhetspolitiske aspekter ved olje- og gassutvinning i Barentshavet
This report outlines possible security political consequences related to co-operation between Norway and Russia with
respect to oil- and gas production in the Barents Sea. There are, however, several barriers to such ...
En undersøkelse av vanndamptransport gjennom aktuelle materialer til benyttelse i Forsvarets feltuniform
Five materials (Bretex, Gore-Tex, Helox, Sympatex and Triplepoint) have been tested together with the material used in
the Norwegian field uniform (a colton/polyester mix). This was done in order to determine the breathing ...
Signatur- og atmosfæremodeller for bruk i det infrarøde spektralområdet
The objective for the project: electronic warfare for the air force, protection against IR-guided missiles, is to develop
concepts for protection based on tactic, flares and ir-jammers. To obtain tbis, missiles, targets ...
Field test with a fibre optic sensor system on a mine counter-measure vessel
The report contains information on sensor placement on board as well as results of data analysis. The tests show that the
fibre Bragg grating based sensor systems perform well and that the technology is suited for naval ...
Evaluation of hazards to occupant of the "Compact 230 Minecat" exposed to blast from 10 kg TNT
A mineclearing vehicle, Compact 230 MINCAT, of the rotating flail type has been developed by
Norwegian Demining Consortium (NoDeCo). The machine is of the rotating flail type, and is
based on the Bobcat 863 compact loader ...
Strain measurements : a comparison of strain gauge and fiber bragg grating measurements on KNM Skjold
Strain measurements by means of resistive strain gauges and fiber optic Bragg gratings during the sea-keeping tests of
KNM Skjold have been analyzed and compared. The resistive strain gauge measurements were severely ...
Forward observer instrument functional model - user trials at lvdalen, Sweden, 12-17 november 1998
This report presents the results of user trials carried out in Alvdalen in Sweden with a functional madel of a
forward observer instrument.
The modular functional model is made up of a main module developed in co-operatian ...