Browsing Rapporter by Author "Rasmussen, Rolf"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Arkitekturarbeid i Forsvaret med forenklet bruk av NATO Architecture Framework (NAF)
Hansbø, Morten; Jørgensen, Håvard D.; Rasmussen, Rolf (2013-06-10)Vi fremlegger i denne rapporten et forslag til en sterkt forenklet versjon av NATO Architecture Framework (NAF) som vi betegner ”NAF kjerne”, og et konsept der kjernen danner et generisk utgangspunkt for lokalt tilpasset ... -
Dynamic access to shared operational information
Rasmussen, Rolf; Sletten, Geir (2004)A model for the configuration of and access to the common operational picture at a high level of command is described, in the context of Network Centric Warfare. The main focus is on the application that gives the user of ... -
Experiment report - SOA pilot 2011
Rasmussen, Rolf; Hansen, Bjørn Jervell (2012-02-27)The SOA Pilot is an experimental demonstrator developed by FFI in cooperation with NC3A and resources from Norwegian Defence. This report documents the pilot as it was presented in June 2011. The purpose was to show how ... -
Experiment report: "Ad Hoc Organisation of Picture Compilation and Situation Awareness in NBD" : Battle Griffin 2005
Hafnor, Hilde; Hansen, Bjørn Jervell; Langmyr, Anders; Normark, Runar; Rasmussen, Rolf; Rose, Kjell (2005)This report presents the results from an exploratory experiment conducted during the NATO exercise Battle Griffin in February/March 2005. The experiment was a part of the Norwegian Armed Forces Concept Development ... -
Experiment report: "Secure SOA supporting NEC" - NATO CWID 2006
Rasmussen, Rolf; Eggen, Anders; Hedenstad, Ole-Erik; Haakseth, Raymond; Lund, Ketil; Hadzic, Dinko (2006)During NATO Coalition Warrior Interoperability Demonstration (CWID) 2006 the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) conducted the experiment “Secure SOA supporting NEC”. This document gives an overview of the ... -
Experiment report: "Semantic SOA" - NATO CWID 2008
Hansen, Bjørn Jervell; Halvorsen, Jonas; Kristiansen, Svein Ivar; Rasmussen, Rolf (2008)NATO Coalition Warrior Interoperability Demonstration (CWID) is an annual event focusing on improving the interoperability within the alliance. One of the issues investigated during CWID is the NATO Network Enabled ... -
Exploratory experiment "Ad Hoc Organization of Picture Compilation" conducted during Blue Game 2004 : evaluation report
Rasmussen, Rolf; Gagnes, Tommy; Hafnor, Hilde; Hansen, Bjørn Jervell; Haakseth, Raymond; Mevassvik, Ole Martin; Rose, Kjell; Gustavsen, Richard Moe; Olafsen, Runar (2004)In the spring of 2004 the FFI project 898 NBD Decision Support participated in the exercise Blue Game 2004 by conducting an exploratory experiment concerning ad hoc organization of picture compilation. The overall aim of ... -
Rasmussen, Rolf (2003)This report is the result of a study on middleware as being one of the essential concepts in the construction of the information infrastructure for Network Centric Warfare. The purpose of this report is to elaborate on ... -
Operative beslutningsstøttetjenester - fremtid NBF
Gagnes, Tommy; Eggen, Anders; Hedenstad, Ole-Erik; Rasmussen, Rolf; Sletten, Geir (2005)This report describes a conceptual solution for information and integration services for Command and Control in a short-term view (2008). We have used a long-term vision for 2014 as a basis, and from this derived a ... -
Recommended application areas for semantic technologies
Hansen, Bjørn Jervell; Halvorsen, Jonas; Kristiansen, Svein Ivar; Rasmussen, Rolf; Rustad, Marianne; Sletten, Geir (2010)This report describes the final results from the FFI-project Semantini (Semantic Services in the Information Infrastructure). The project has explored semantic technologies in the context of their potential to add value ... -
Semantic technologies
Hansen, Bjørn Jervell; Gagnes, Tommy; Rasmussen, Rolf; Rustad, Marianne; Sletten, Geir (2007)Semantiske teknologier kan beskrives som teknologier som gjør det mulig å bygge mer adaptiv og effektiv software ved å utnytte meningsinnholdet i den tilgjengelige informasjonen. I FFIprosjektet Semantini, semantiske ... -
Sluttrapport for FFI-prosjekt Tjenesteorientering og semantisk interoperabilitet i INI
Rasmussen, Rolf; Bloebaum, Trude H.; Gjørven, Eli; Halvorsen, Jonas; Hansen, Bjørn Jervell; Haakseth, Raymond; Johnsen Frank T.; Lund, Ketil; Nordbotten, Nils Agne; Skjervold, Espen; Stolpe (2013-06-15)Dette dokumentet gir en oversikt over arbeidet som er gjort i FFI-prosjekt 1176 Tjenesteorientering og semantisk interoperabilitet i INI. Rapporten er forsøkt holdt på et oversiktsnivå, dog slik at de enkelte temaene har ...