Browsing Rapporter by Author "Otnes, Roald"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Modelling of electromagnetic influences from wind farms at frequencies below 30 MHz : interference and scattering
Otnes, Roald (2007)This report describes models for electromagnetic influences from wind farms at frequencies below 30 MHz. Regarding radiated electromagnetic interference, a methodology based on well-established models is proposed. Regarding ... -
Nato standards for HF communications : an overview and technical description
Jodalen, Vivianne; Otnes, Roald; Solberg, Bjørn (2004)During the 1990's many STANAG's (Standard Agreements) on HF communications were developed and agreed upon within NATO. The standards cover the lowest layers of the OSI model containing radio functionality, modem waveforms, ... -
Observability at HF direction finding sites of scattering from wind farms - measurements at Smøla 2006
Otnes, Roald; Hjelmstad, Jens (2006)This report studies, on a general basis, whether wind farms may decrease the accuracy of direction finding systems in the HF (high frequency, 2-30 MHz) band, due to scattering from the wind turbine towers or blades. ... -
Prosjekt 1013 Vindkraftutbyggingens påvirkning på Forsvarets elektromagnetiske systemet (VINDKRAFT) - sluttrapport
Meland, Bente Jensløkken; Øhra, Hans; Høye, Gudrun; Nilssen, Eivind Bergh; Søderblom, Morten; Mjanger, Morten; Otnes, Roald; Kristoffersen, Stein; Sparr, Trygve; Tollisen, Steffen; Storhaug (2007)Vindkraftutbyggingen er i full gang – også i Norge. Det har gjennom studier og feltforsøk i flere land vist seg at vindmøller har innvirkning på ulike elektromagnetiske systemer. Dette kommer av at vindmøllene er store, ... -
Static magnetic dipole detection - generalized matched filtering to Anderson functions
Otnes, Roald (2006)We propose a method for combined noise suppression and target detection for 3-axial magnetometer measurements. Vector linear prediction is used to whiten the noise, and matched filters are used for detection. In a case ... -
Turbo equalization applied to high frequency communications
Otnes, Roald (2004)This report presents simulation studies on the application of a receiver technique known as turbo equalization to High Frequency (HF) modems. Standardized waveforms in the range 600 bps to 9600 bps are considered. Gains ... -
The Watermark manual and user's guide - version 1.0
Walree, Paul van; Otnes, Roald; Jenserud, Trond (2016-11-29)Watermark is a benchmark for physical-layer schemes for underwater acoustic communications. It allows researchers and modem manufacturers to develop, test and compare algorithms for the physical layer under highly realistic ...