Browsing Rapporter by Author "Lippert, Espen"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Beam shaping of high power laser diode bars
Rustad, Gunnar; Lippert, Espen; Stenersen, Knut (2001)A technique for reshaping the highly astigmatic beam from a high-power laser diode bar by use of two parallel mirrors is studied theoretically and experimentally. It is found that the output from the 1 µm x 1 cm laser ... -
Laserstråling gjennom turbulent atmosfære Del 3 – eksperiment
Schiller, Andreas; Fonnum, Helge; Lippert, Espen (2023-11-13)Prosjektet "Laservåpen og beskyttelse" innenfor forskningsprogrammet "Luftvern, ubemannede luftsystemer og laser" går ut på å utvikle høyeffektlasere som mottiltak mot innkommende prosjektiler, droner og liknende. ... -
Laservåpen – analyse av utvalgte anvendelser
Lippert, Espen (2022-02-11)Utviklingen av laservåpen har foregått helt siden 60-tallet, men var lenge preget av at det var en løsning som hele tiden lå ti år frem i tid. Ambisjonene var store, men teknologien var upraktisk og resultatene var ikke ... -
Mid-infrared optical parametric oscillators based on periodically-poled lithium niobate
Arisholm, Gunnar; Stenersen, Knut; Rustad, Gunnar; Lippert, Espen; Haakestad, Magnus (2002)A study has been conducted of mid-infrared optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) based on periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) as the nonlinear optical material. Experiments have been performed with a number of 1.06 ... -
Thermal effects in end-pumped solid state lasers - influence on resonator stability, beam quality, and output power
Stenersen, Knut; Lippert, Espen; Rustad, Gunnar; Arisholm, Gunnar (2001)A theoretical analysis is given of the magnitudes of thermal effects in end-pumped high-power solid state lasers, and their influence on the laser output characteristics, particularly the beam quality and conversion ... -
ZnGep2-based optical parametric oscillator for µm generation
Arisholm, Gunnar; Lippert, Espen; Stenersen, Knut; Rustad, Gunnar; Nicolas, Stephane (2004)Operation of a ZnGeP2-based optical parametric oscillator (OPO) for generation of 8-11 μm radiation is studied. The primary source used to pump the OPO is a KTP-based OPO pumped by a Nd:YAG laser, giving up to 2 mJ pump ...