Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • The 3S3 experiment data report - using operational naval sonars to study the effects of continuous active sonar, and source proximity, on sperm whales 

      Kvadsheim, Petter H.; Isojunno, Saana; Curé, Charlotte; Siemensma, Marije L.; Wensveen, Paul; Lam, Frans-Peter A.; Roland, Rune; Benti, Benjamin; Sivle, Lise D; Burslem, Alec; Kleivane, Lars; Miller, Patrick J.O. (2021-03-18)
      The 3S project is an international collaborative effort with the aim to investigate behavioral reactions of cetaceans to naval sonar signals. The objectives of the third phase of the project (3S3) were to investigate if ...
    • The 3S² experiments - studying the behavioral effects of naval sonar on northern bottlenose whales, humpback whales and minke whales 

      Kvadsheim, Petter H.; Lam, Frans-Peter; Miller, Patrick; Sivle, Lise D.; Wensveen, Paul; Roos, Marjoleine; Tyack, Peter; Kleivane, Lars; Visser, Fleur; Curé, Charlotte; van IJsselmuide, Sander (2015-11-03)
      In order to properly consider how behavioral responses to anthropogenic noise affect marine mammals and establish safety limits for sonar operations, there is a need to establish behavioral impact criteria. In order to ...
    • Behavioural response studies of cetaceans to naval sonar signals in Norwegian waters - 3S-2011 cruise report 

      Kvadsheim, Petter H.; Lam, Frans-Peter; Miller, Patrick; Doksæter, Lise; Visser, Fleur; Kleivane, Lars; van IJsselmuide, Sander; Samarra, Filipa; Wensveen, Paul; Curé, Charlotte; Hickmott, (2011-11-01)
      Marine mammals are sensitive to sound in their environment and there is a continuing need to quantify the sensitivity of the animals to behavioural disturbance, and determine how potential behavioural changes may affect ...
    • Behavioural responses of cetaceans to naval signals in Norwegian waters - the 3S-2012 cruise report 

      Kvadsheim, Petter H.; Lam, Frans-Peter; Miller, Patrick; Wensveen, Paul; Visser, Fleur; Sivle, Lise D.; Kleivane, Lars; Curé, Charlotte; Ensor, Paul; van IJsselmuide, Sander; Dekeling, René (2012-11-01)
      Marine mammals are sensitive to sound in their environment and there is a continuing need to quantify the sensitivity of the animals to behavioural disturbance, in order to regulate the use of powerful anthropogenic sound ...
    • Behavioural responses of cetaceans to naval sonar signals – the 3S-2013 cruise report 

      Kvadsheim, Petter; Lam, Frans-Peter; Miller, Patrick; Wensveen, Paul; Visser, Fleur; Sivle, Lise Doksæter; Oudejans, Machiel; Kleivane, Lars; Curé, Charlotte; Ensor, Paul; van Ijsselmuide, Sander; Dekeling, René (2014-06-20)
      The 3S-projects is an international collaborative effort with the aim to investigate behavioral reactions of cetaceans to naval sonar signals, in order to establish safety limits for sonar operations. This report summarizes ...
    • Cetaceans and naval sonar : the 3S-2009 cruise report 

      Kvadsheim, Petter H.; Lam, Frans-Peter; Miller, Patrick; Kleivane, Lars; Alves, Ana Catarina; Antunes, Ricardo; Bocconcelli, Alex; van IJsselmuide, Sander; Olivierse, Marijke; Visser, Fleur (2009)
      Forsvaret har utrykt behov for å få kartlagt sjøpattedyrs følsomhet overfor sonarsignaler, også atferdsmessige påvirkninger. 3S-konsortiet, som for tiden består av fire partnere, FFI, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ...
    • Effect of naval sonar exposure on killer whales and humpback whales – 3S-2023 cruise report 

      Kvadsheim, Petter H.; Miller, Patrick J.O.; Lam, Frans-Peter A.; Wensveen, Paul J.; Bort, Jacqueline; Burslem, Alec; Giovannini, Giorgia; Hayward, Ellen; van Ijsselmuide, Sander P.; Kleivane, Lars; Reesor, Craig; van Riet, Martijn W.G.; Roland, Rune; Siemensma, Marije L.; Sato, George (2024-04-02)
      3S (Sea mammals and Sonar Safety) is a multidisciplinary and international collaboration studying how naval sonar affects cetaceans. The goal is to gain information necessary to manage the risk to cetaceans without ...
    • Herring (sild), killer whales (spekkhogger) and sonar - the 3S-2006 cruise report with preliminary results 

      Kvadsheim, Petter H.; Benders, Frank; Nordlund, Nina; Miller, Patrick; Doksæter, Lise; Knudsen, Frank; Tyack, Peter; Lam, Frans-Peter; Samarra, Filipa; Kleivane, Lars; Godø, Olav Rune (2007)
      Denne rapporten oppsummerer resultatet fra et internasjonalt forskningstokt i Vestfjorden i november 2006. Bakgrunnen for undersøkelsen er påstander om at forsvarets bruk av sonarer skremmer bort sild og spekkhoggere fra ...