Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • A comparison of AUTODYN and RSPH on two-dimensional shock waves problems 

      Børve, Steinar; Bjerke, Audun; Omang, Marianne; Svinsås, Eirik (2009)
      It is important, both to the military and civilian community, to be able to predict the strength and propagation pattern of shock waves generated from the detonation of high explosives. This report documents a comparative ...
    • Crowd dynamics modelling : a literature study 

      Børve, Steinar (2014-01-20)
      The dynamics of human crowds is an interesting, but highly complex topic, and phenomena have been observed ranging from well-organized structure formation leading to quasi steady-state equilibrium to violent and turbulent ...
    • Crowds2D - a new, robust crowd dynamics simulation model 

      Børve, Steinar (2016-01-13)
      The Norwegian Armed Forces have over the last few years given priority to the procurement of less-lethal weapons (LLW) for use in certain scenarios. The purpose of FFI project 1255 has therefore been to support the armed ...
    • Numerical modelling of short pulse shock initiation of ultrafine Hexanitrostilbene (HNS) 

      Børve, Steinar (2023-09-15)
      The study of short duration shock pulses is relevant in many high-energetic applications. One such application is the initiation of insensitive high explosives, often preferred as booster charges in military and civilian ...
    • The physics of HPM sources 

      Børve, Steinar (2008)
      Mange land har i fleire tiår gjennomført forsking på høgeffektive mikrobølgjekjelder (HPM), både til sivile og militære føremål. Det store gjennombrotet for HPMvåpen har derimot lete venta på seg, til trass for at viktige ...
    • Thermal sensor acquisition range estimation 

      Børve, Steinar (2021-06-24)
      There is a large number of factors which may influence the performance of thermal surveillance systems used in any given scenario. Some of the parameters needed for making an accurate performance prediction might be ...