Browsing Rapporter by Author "Øhra, Hans"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Mulige interferenskilder for GPS
Øhra, Hans; Kulbotten, Gunnar (2000)This report presents possible Norwegian GPS interference sources. A field experiment has been conducted to investigate GPS receivers susceptibility to interference from D-band radars and broadcasting transmitters -
Prosjekt 1013 Vindkraftutbyggingens påvirkning på Forsvarets elektromagnetiske systemet (VINDKRAFT) - sluttrapport
Meland, Bente Jensløkken; Øhra, Hans; Høye, Gudrun; Nilssen, Eivind Bergh; Søderblom, Morten; Mjanger, Morten; Otnes, Roald; Kristoffersen, Stein; Sparr, Trygve; Tollisen, Steffen; Storhaug (2007)Vindkraftutbyggingen er i full gang – også i Norge. Det har gjennom studier og feltforsøk i flere land vist seg at vindmøller har innvirkning på ulike elektromagnetiske systemer. Dette kommer av at vindmøllene er store, ... -
Spesifikasjon av ESM-demonstrator
Malnes, Eirik; Øhra, Hans; Eilevstjønn, Joar; Kulbotten, Gunnar; Kvernsveen, Kirsten (2000)The report contains a specification of an Electronic Support Measure (ESM) device for demonstration purposes. The device will be used by FFI to demonstrate modern passive positioning and identification techniques for the ... -
Vindkraftverks konsekvenser for Forsvarets installasjoner - innledende studie for radar
Øhra, Hans (2003)This report is an initial study of the possible adverse effect wind farms could have on radar systems. First it gives some general theory on radar, and compare normal radar targets with the large reflections from the ... -
Windfarm Impact on Electromagnetic Systems (WIMP) - software documentation
Meland, Bente Jensløkken; Øhra, Hans (2007)This report is a description and user manual for the software developed at Teleplan according to the co-operation agreement between Teleplan and the FFI-project 1013 “The effect of windmill development on telecommunication ...