Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Avoidance responses of minke whales to 1?4 kHz naval sonar 

      Kvadsheim, Petter Helgevold; DeRuiter, Stacy; Sivle, Lise Doksæter; Goldbogen, Jeremy; Hansen, Rune Roland; Miller, Patrick J.O.; Lam, Frans-Peter A.; Calambokidis, John; Friedlaender, Ari; Visser, Fleur; Tyack, Peter L.; Kleivane, Lars; Southall, Brandon (2017)
      Minke whales are difficult to study and little information exists regarding their responses to anthropogenic sound. This study pools data from behavioural response studies off California and Norway. Data are derived from ...
    • Dose-response relationships for the onset of avoidance of sonar by free-ranging killer whales 

      Miller, Patrick J.O.; Antunes, Ricardo; Wensveen, Paul; Samarra, Filipa I. P.; Alves, Ana Catarina; Tyack, Peter L.; Kvadsheim, Petter Helgevold; Kleivane, Lars; Lam, Frans-Peter A.; Ainslie, Michael A; Thomas, Len (2014)
      Eight experimentally controlled exposures to 1−2 kHz or 6−7 kHz sonar signals were conducted with four killer whale groups. The source level and proximity of the source were increased during each exposure in order to reveal ...
    • Equipment to tag, track and collect biopsies from whales and dolphins: the ARTS, DFHorten and LKDart systems 

      Kleivane, Lars; Kvadsheim, Petter Helgevold; Bocconcelli, Alex; Øien, Nils Inge; Miller, Patrick J. O. (2022-10-21)
      Of all animals considered subjects for instrumentation for behavioral or physiological studies, cetaceans probably represent the greatest challenge to the engineer and biologist. The marine environment being harsh to ...
    • First indications that northern bottlenose whales are sensitive to behavioural disturbance from anthropogenic noise 

      Miller, Patrick J.O.; Kvadsheim, Petter Helgevold; Lam, Frans-Peter A.; Tyack, Peter L.; Curé, Charlotte; DeRuiter, Stacy; Kleivane, Lars; Sivle, Lise Doksæter; van IJsselmuide, Sander; Visser, Fleur; Wensveen, Paul J.; von Benda-Beckmann, Alexander M.; López, L Martin; Narazaki, T; Hooker, S. (2015)
      Although northern bottlenose whales were the most heavily hunted beaked whale, we have little information about this species in its remote habitat of the North Atlantic Ocean. Underwater anthropogenic noise and disruption ...
    • Northern bottlenose whales in a pristine environment respond strongly to close and distant navy sonar signals 

      Wensveen, Paul J.; Isojunno, Saana; Hansen, Rune Roland; von Benda-Beckmann, Alexander M.; Kleivane, Lars; van IJsselmuide, Sander; Lam, Frans-Peter Alexander; Kvadsheim, Petter Helgevold; DeRuiter, Stacy L.; Curé, Charlotte; Narazaki, Tomoko; Tyack, Peter Lloyd; Miller, Patrick James O'Malley (2019-03-20)
      Impact assessments for sonar operations typically use received sound levels to predict behavioural disturbance in marine mammals. However, there are indications that cetaceans may learn to associate exposures from distant ...
    • When the noise goes on: received sound energy predicts sperm whale responses to both intermittent and continuous navy sonar 

      Isojunno, Saana; Wensveen, Paul Jacobus; Lam, Frans-Peter Alexander; Kvadsheim, Petter Helgevold; Benda-Beckmann, Alexander M. von; Lòpez, Lucia; Kleivane, Lars; Siegall, Elidh; Miller, Patrick James O'Malley (2020-04-08)
      Anthropogenic noise sources range from intermittent to continuous, with seismic and navy sonar technology moving towards near-continuous transmissions. Continuous active sonar (CAS) may be used at a lower amplitude than ...