Browsing Articles by Author "Castellani, John W."
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Cardiovascular and thermal strain during 3–4 days of a metabolically demanding cold‑weather military operation
Castellani, John W.; Spitz, Marissa G; Karis, Anthony J.; Martini, Svein; Young, Andrew J; Margolis, Lee M; Karl, J Philip; Murphy, Nancy E; Xu, Xiaojiang; Montain, Scott J; Bohn, Jamie A; Teien, Hilde Kristin; Stenberg, Pål H.; Gundersen, Yngvar; Pasiakos, Stefan M (2017)Background Cardiovascular (CV) and thermal responses to metabolically demanding multi-day military operations in extreme cold-weather environments are not well described. Characterization of these operations will provide ... -
Changes in intestinal microbiota composition and metabolism coincide with increased intestinal permeability in young adults under prolonged physiologic stress
Karl, J Philip; Margolis, Lee M; Madslien, Elisabeth Henie; Murphy, Nancy E; Castellani, John W.; Gundersen, Yngvar; Hoke, Allison V; Levangie, Michael W; Kumar, Raina; Chakraborty, Nabarun; Gautam, Aarti; Hammamieh, Rasha; Martini, Svein; Montain, Scott J; Pasiakos, Stefan M (2017)The magnitude, temporal dynamics, and physiological effects of intestinal microbiome responses to physiological stress are poorly characterized. This study used a systems biology approach and a multiple-stressor military ... -
Cold weather operations: Preventive strategies ina military context
Klous, Lisa; Teien, Hilde Kristin; Hollis, Sarah; Levels, Koen; Boonstra, Appie; Sullivan-Kwantes, Wendy; Haman, Francois; Castellani, John W.; Catoire, Milène; Kingma, Boris (2024-10-23)Military cold weather operations (CWOs) introduce a range of challenges, including extremetemperatures, strong winds, difficult terrain, and exposure to snow, ice, and water. Personnelundertaking these missions face a ... -
Effects of exercise mode, energy, and macronutrientinterventions on inflammation during military training
Pasiakos, Stefan M; Margolis, Lee M; Murphy, Nancy E; McClung, Holy L; Martini, Svein; Gundersen, Yngvar; Castellani, John W.; Karl, James P.; Teien, Hilde Kristin; Madslien, Elisabeth Henie; Stenberg, Pål H.; Young, Andrew J.; Montain, Scott J; McClung, James P (2016)Load carriage (LC) exercise may exacerbate inflammation during training. Nutritional supplementation may mitigate this response by sparing endogenous carbohydrate stores, enhancing glycogen repletion, and attenuating ... -
Effects of Supplemental Energy on Protein Balance during 4-d Arctic Military Training
Margolis, Lee M; Murphy, Nancy E; Martini, Svein; Gundersen, Yngvar; Castellani, John W.; Karl, James P.; Carrigan, Christopher T; Teien, Hilde Kristin; Madslien, Elisabeth Henie; Montain, Scott J; Pasiakos, Stefan M (2016)Soldiers often experience negative energy balance during military operations that diminish whole-body protein retention, even when dietary protein is consumed within recommended levels (1.5-2.0 g[middle dot]kg-1[middle ... -
Military training elicits marked increases in plasmametabolomic signatures of energy metabolism, lipolysis,fatty acid oxidation, and ketogenesis
Karl, J Philip; Margolis, Lee M.; Murphy, Nancy E.; Carrigan, Christopher T; Castellani, John W.; Madslien, Elisabeth Henie; Teien, Hilde Kristin; Martini, Svein; Montain, Scott J.; Pasiakos, Stefan M (2017)Military training studies provide unique insight into metabolic responses to extreme physiologic stress induced by multiple stressor environments, and the impacts of nutrition in mediating these responses. Advances in ...