Browsing Articles by Title
Now showing items 343-362 of 900
Harmonic Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing
(2015)We review the basic concept of frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) and describe how such a radar system can be used in a harmonic radar concept. It is argued that synthetic aperture radar (SAR) for FMCW harmonic ... -
Headspace-trap gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for determination of sulphur mustard and related compounds in soil
(2010)Methods for trace determination of sulphur mustard (HD) and some related cyclic sulphur compounds in soil samples have been developed using headspace-trap in combination with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). ... -
Health effects after firing small arms comparing leaded and unleaded ammunition
(2014)A number of Norwegian soldiers have reported health problems after live-fire training using the HK416 rifle. The objective of this study was to characterize gaseous and particulate emissions from three different types of ... -
Heat stress in chemical protective clothing: porosity and vapour resistance
(2011)Heat strain in chemical protective clothing is an important factor in industrial and military practice. Various improvements to the clothing to alleviate strain while maintaining protection have been attempted. More recently, ... -
Heirs of Zarqawi or Saddam? The Relationship between al-Qaida in Iraq and the Islamic State
(2015)This paper examines the relationship between al-Qaida in Iraq and Islamic State, asking what remains of AQI within the current incarnation of IS. The study is based on available information concerning the backgrounds and ... -
Hierarchical path planning for walking (almost) anywhere
(2018)Computerized path planning, not constrained to transportation networks, may be useful in a range of settings, from search and rescue to archaeology. This paper develops a method for general path planning intended to work ... -
High assurance information exchange based on publish-subscribe and ABAC methods
(2014)The presented effort employs a combination of publish-subscribe distribution and ABAC (Attribute Based Access Control) methods to control the information exchange between security domains. It follows strictly the "separation ... -
High pulse energy and symmetrical far field from an optical parametric oscillator in the red spectral range
(2011)Red pulses with >30 mJ energy and <0.6 nm bandwidth have been demonstrated using a type 2 phase matched optical parametric oscillator pumped at 532 nm. A symmetrical signal beam with beam diameter-divergence product of ~3 ... -
High resolution spaceborne INSAR simulation with extended scenes
(2005)The Inverse–EETF4 (Extended Exact Transfer Function 4th order) is used to simulate raw data and a complete INSAR processing chain for high squint has been developed. Phase differences for a spaceborne INSAR geometry are ... -
High thresholds for avoidance of sonar by free-ranging long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas)
(2014)The potential effects of exposing marine mammals to military sonar is a current concern. Dose–response relationships are useful for predicting potential environmental impacts of specific operations. To reveal behavioral ... -
High Unemployment and the Armed Forces: The Costs and Benefits of Recruiting Military Personnel in Norway
(2021-12-07)The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the subsequent non-pharmaceutical interventions by governments to reduce the transmission of the coronavirus, and adjusted consumer behaviors have resulted in high unemployment rates worldwide. In ... -
High-energy bow tie multi-pass cells for nonlinear spectralbroadening applications
(2022-01-24)Multi-pass cells (MPCs) have emerged as very attractive tools for spectral broadening and post-compression applications. We discuss pulse energy limitations of standard MPCs considering basic geometrical scaling principles ... -
High-power, 1-ps, all-Yb:YAG thin-disk regenerative amplifier
(2016)We report a 100 W, 20 mJ, 1-ps, all-Yb:YAG thin-disk regenerative amplifier seeded by a microjoule-level Yb:YAG thin-disk Kerr-lens mode-locked oscillator. The regenerative amplifier is implemented in a chirped pulse ... -
High-pulse-energy mid-infrared fractional-image-rotation-enhancement ZnGeP2 optical parametric oscillator
(2016)A high-energy mid-infrared ZnGeP 2 (ZGP) optical parametric oscillator (OPO) based on the nonplanar fractional-image-rotation enhancement resonator pumped by a 2.05 μm Ho 3+ :YLF laser is presented. Up to 120 mJ pulse ... -
High-pulse-energy, linear optical parametric oscillator with narrow and symmetrical far field
(2013)A new method to obtain a narrow and symmetrical far field from a high-pulse-energy optical parametric oscillator (OPO) with a linear resonator has been tested. The OPO employs two identical nonlinear crystals that are cut ... -
High-Resolution Neural Network Processing of LFM Radar Pulses
(2023-05-05)In radar applications, the bandwidth of a transmitted pulse determines the range resolution and the ability to disclose densely spaced targets. The processing of radar signals is often carried out through matched filtering ... -
High-resolution Spaceborne SAR Processing Using the Decomposed Transfer Function
(2017)In this paper a new analytic decomposed transfer function (DTF) for spaceborne SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) processing is calculated using the stationary phase approximation and Taylor’s series expansion. The DTF copes ... -
Holmium-doped fiber amplifier for pumping a ZnGeP2optical parametric oscillator
(2021-03-03)We present a holmium-doped all-fiber master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) system operating at 2108 nm targeting optical frequency conversion applications. The MOPA delivers pulses of 0.52 mJ energy at 10 kHz repetition ... -
The Hotel Payload 2 campaign: Overview of NO, O and electron density measurements in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere
(2011)The ALOMAR eARI Hotel Payload 2 (HotPay 2) rocket campaign took place at Andøya Rocket Range, Norway, in January 2008. The rocket was launched on January 31, 2008 at 19:14 UT, when auroral activity appeared after a long ... -
How extending the kinematic model affects path following in off-road terrain for differential drive UGVs
(2022-05-31)Traversal in off-road conditions for Unmanned Ground Vehicles is highly relevant for defence applications, with an increasing amount of research being put into the field. A central part of the autonomous traversal is path ...