Risikovurdering av Forsvarets bruk av hvitt fosfor i Troms - med tilleggsnotat FFI NOTAT-2006 00512: Analysetekniske problemer ved bestemmelse av konsentrasjonen til hvitt fosfor i vann
The aim of the report is to unravel potential environmental impacts of white phosphorus (WP) in military training areas
in Troms. The potential health impacts on humans and grazers and other organisms that dwell in the areas and the
transport of WP out of the fields was investigated. No area is found to pose an acute risk to humans. Some grazers
might stay in the contaminated areas long enough to be chronically exposed. Local fauna might also be exposed
repeatedly. Some water samples in streams going out of the contaminated areas contain concentrations of WP 1 to 10
μg/l. This level might be associated with lifetime risk. Sources used for drinking water should therefore be mapped and
the concentration of WP should be measured.