Now showing items 181-200 of 2887

    • Informasjonsdeling i Forsvarets beslutningsprosesser –kritiske suksessfaktorer 

      Elstad, Ann-Kristin; Lund, Ketil; Bloebaum, Trude H.; Kristiansen, Stein (2022-12-12)
      Evnen til kommando og kontroll (K2) er grunnleggende for at Forsvaret skal kunne løse sine oppgaver. Denne rapporten skal bidra til større forståelse for muligheter og hindre for effektiv K2, gjennom å undersøke ...
    • Sourcing for Forsvarets IKT-virksomhet – skisse til rammeverk 

      Elstad, Ann-Kristin; Endregard, Monica; Mykkeltveit, Anders (2022-12-12)
      Strategisk samarbeid har fått økt oppmerksomhet i de siste tre langtidsperiodene. Forsvarsdepartementet har etablert prinsippet så sivilt som mulig og så militært som nødvendig for at Forsvaret skal kunne nyttiggjøre seg ...
    • Laserstråling gjennom turbulent atmosfære – Del 2 – atmosfære 

      Schiller, Andreas (2022-12-15)
      Prosjektet "laservåpen og beskyttelse" innenfor forskningsprogrammet "luftvern, ubemannede luftsystemer og laser" går ut på å utvikle høyeffektlasere som mottiltak mot innkommende prosjektiler, droner og liknende. ...
    • Compact multimodal multispectral sensor system for tactical reconnaissance 

      Haavardsholm, Trym Vegard; Opsahl, Thomas Olsvik; Skauli, Torbjørn; Stahl, Annette (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2022-09-30)
      Multispectral imaging is an attractive sensing modality for small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in numerous military and civilian applications such as reconnaissance, target detection, and precision agriculture. Cameras ...
    • A Cloud-based experimentation and analysis framework for services at the tactical edge 

      Hauge, Mariann; Asprusten, Martin; Berg, Tore Jørgen; Bøhm, Andre J (2022-09-22)
      In this paper we present an experimentation and analysis framework that utilizes a public cloud infrastructure for most of the experimentation environment but also supports interaction with services installed on servers ...
    • Jamming and Jamming Mitigation for Selected 5G Military Scenarios 

      Skokowski, Paweł; Kelner, Jan M.; Malon, Krzysztof; Maślanka, Krzysztof; Birutis, Agnius; Vazquez, Miguel A.; Saha, Souradip; Low, Warren; Czapiewska, Agnieszka; Magiera, Jarosław; Rajchowski, Piotr; Ambroziak, Sławomir (2022-09-22)
      This paper presents jamming and jamming mitigation techniques, which can be used in relation to emerging military systems based on fifth-generation (5G) technology. Nowadays, 5G technology provides incremental improvements ...
    • Realising benefits in public IT projects: A multiple case study 

      Holgeid, Knut Kjetil; Jørgensen, Magne; Volden, Gro Holst; Berg, Helene (2022-12-13)
      Information Technology (IT) investments in the public sector are large, and it is essential that they lead to benefits for the organisations themselves and wider society. While there is evidence suggesting a positive ...
    • Wargaming for the Purpose of Knowledge Development: Lessons Learned from Studying Allied Courses Of Action 

      Vatne, Dagfinn Furnes; Guttelvik, Mona Sagsveen; Hennum, Alf Christian; Malerud, Stein (2022-09-19)
      We present a series of four wargames intended to improve our ability to analyze the alliance aspect of Norwegian military operations. We discuss the objectives, the set-up, and the lessons learned. The wargames proved to ...
    • Practical Jamming of a Commercial 5G Radio System at 3.6 GHz 

      Birutis, Agnius; Mykkeltveit, Anders (2022-09-22)
      Fifth-generation (5G) mobile technology has attracted interest from armed forces worldwide due to its many new possibilities for communication. Military operations may face threats in the electromagnetic spectrum, such as ...
    • Spin-vibronic interaction induced reverse intersystem crossing: A case study with TXO-TPA and TXO-PhCz molecules 

      Karak, Pijush; Ruud, Kenneth; Chakrabarti, Swapan (2022-11-01)
      We highlight the important roles the direct spin–orbit (DSO) coupling, the spin-vibronic (SV) coupling, and the dielectric constant of the medium play on the reverse intersystem crossing (RISC) mechanism of TXO-TPA and ...
    • NATO Core Services profiling for Hybrid Tactical Networks -Results and Recommendations 

      Jansen, Norman; Manso, Marco; Toth, Andrew; Chan, Kevin; Bloebaum, Trude Hafsøe; Johnsen, Frank T. (2021-07-21)
      The NATO Research Task Group IST-150 "NATO Core Services profiling for Hybrid Tactical Networks" had Federated Mission Networking (FMN) as the main context and motivation for its work. IST-150 intended to investigate Core ...
    • Konsekvenser av klimaendringer og klimatilpasninger for Forsvaret fram mot 2040 – rapport til Forsvarskommisjonen 

      Granlund, Cassandra; Lausund, Kristian Blindheim; Lausund, Rune; Klepper, Karina Barnholt; Pedersen, Marius Nyquist; Voie, Øyvind Albert (2022-12-05)
      Nato slår fast at klimaendringer er vår tids viktigste overordnede utfordring i «Climate Change & Security Impact Assessment» fra 2022. Verdenssamfunnet opplever allerede i dag første- og andrehåndseffekter av klimaendringer. ...
    • Teknologisk innovasjon i Forsvaret 

      Bjørk, Hanne; Brunsvig, Christian; Gundersrud, Stein; Magnæs, Marianne; Mørkved, Torgeir; Olsen, Frode Berg; Thorsberg, Line; Hofoss, Espen; Aarønæs, Lars (2022-12-13)
      Historisk sett har militærteknologisk utvikling i all hovedsak vært drevet av statlig finansierte aktører. Utvikling og anskaffelser til Forsvaret har vært preget av langsiktige løp. Vesten har hatt et teknologiske ...
    • Logistics as a security policy tool – exploring motivations for allied support in the case of Norway 

      Birkemo, Gunn Alice; Alme, Vårin; Diesen, Sverre (2022-12-10)
      How, if at all, might logistics serve as a security policy tool for increasing the likelihood of allied support? Over the last few years, European NATO allies such as Germany and France have expressed uncertainty about the ...
    • Understanding the Threat of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare 

      Kippe, Halvor; Sellevåg, Stig Rune; Lausund, Per (2021)
      Weapons of mass destruction are not merely Cold War relics. Recent years have seen the use of biological and chemical agents in the United States, Syria, Malaysia and the United Kingdom. The faltering of strategic arms ...
    • Effects of Cultural Diversity on Trust and its Consequences for Team Processes and Outcomes in Ad Hoc Distributed Teams 

      Bjørnstad, Anne Lise; Fostervold, Knut Inge; Ulleberg, Pål (2011)
      This quasi-experimental study explores trust as a mediator, explaining how cultural diversity may affect team processes and outcomes in distributed ad hoc teams. Data were collected both through self-report and direct ...
    • Organizational flexibility from a network organizational perspective: a study of central predictors and moderating factors in military contexts 

      Bjørnstad, Anne Lise; Lichacz, Frederick M. J. (2013-10-28)
      Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to focus on organizational flexibility and explore its antecedents, organizational structure, and processes, as proposed by network organization theories. The study also explores the ...
    • Comparison of simulated and measured ISAR images flow of a ship at sea 

      Vignaud, Luc; Ødegaard, Nina; Ruggiero, Henri; Cochin, Christian; Louvigne, Jean Christophe; Knapskog, Atle Onar (2021-07-02)
      The aim of this work is to simulate a flow of ISAR images for a ship at sea seen from an airborne radar, in rigorously the same configuration as it has been measured by a real SAR using the recorded motion data of both ...
    • A Status Update on Quantum Safe Cryptography 

      Strand, Martin (2021-07-20)
      There is an ongoing effort to standardize asymmetric cryptography that should not be attackable by a quantum computer. The process is now into its final rounds. From 69 initial submissions from academia and industry, a ...
    • Modeling potential masking of echolocating sperm whales exposed to continuous 1-2 kHz naval sonar 

      von Benda-Beckmann, Alexander M.; Isojunno, Saana; Zandvliet, Maik; Ainslie, Michael A.; Wensveen, Paulus Jacobus; Tyack, Peter L.; Kvadsheim, Petter Helgevold; Lam, Frans-Peter A.; Miller, Patrick James O. (2021-04-30)
      Modern active sonar systems can (almost) continuously transmit and receive sound, which can lead to more masking of important sounds for marine mammals than conventional pulsed sonar systems transmitting at a much lower ...