Now showing items 11-20 of 23
Performance evaluation of high-volume electret filter air samplers in aerosol microbiome research
Reliable identification and quantification of bioaerosols is fundamental in aerosol microbiome research, highlighting the importance of using sampling equipment with well-defined performance characteristics. ...
Dekontaminering av åndedrettsvern med hydrogenperoksiddamp - prinsipper, teknologier og systemer
Tilstrekkelig tilgang på smittevernutstyr er en forutsetning for at helsevesenet skal fungere og
kunne løse de utfordringer de står overfor i en pandemisituasjon. Under den pågående
koronapandemien har stabil tilgang på ...
SARS-CoV-2 in the Air Surrounding Patients during Nebulizer Therapy
Nebulizer therapy is commonly used for patients with obstructive pulmonary disease or acute pulmonary infections with signs of obstruction. It is considered a “potential aerosol-generating procedure,” and the risk of disease ...
The subway microbiome: Seasonal dynamics and direct comparison of air and surface bacterial communities
Mass transit environments, such as subways, are uniquely important for transmission of microbes among humans and built environments, and for their ability to spread pathogens and impact large numbers of people. ...
Luftbåren smitte av virale luftveisinfeksjoner fra et aerosolfysisk perspektiv
Luftbåren smitte foregår gjennom at infeksiøst materiale følger med dråper av ulik størrelse ut
fra verten gjennom respiratoriske aktiviteter som pust, tale, sang, host eller nys. For de vanlige
aktivitetene som pusting, ...
Characterization of the public transit air microbiome and resistome reveals geographical specificity
The public transit is a built environment with high occupant density across the globe, and identifying factors shaping public transit air microbiomes will help design strategies to minimize the transmission of ...
Characterization of the chemical, biological and radiological environment in the Arctic World Archive
This report describes the characterization of the chemical, biological and radiological environment in a decommissioned coal mine (Mine 3) on Svalbard, where the Artic World Archive (AWA), established by Piql and Store ...
Efficacy of face masks as source control and respiratory protection against transmission of SARS-CoV-2
During the COVID-19 pandemic, medical and community face masks have been used extensively by health care workers and the general public to reduce transmission of the SARSCoV-2 virus.
This report reviews the available ...
FFIs støtte til sivile helsemyndigheter under koronapandemien - kvalitetskontroll av smittevernutstyr
Rapporten beskriver hvordan Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (FFI) støttet norske
helsemyndigheter under koronapandemien i 2020–2021 og instituttets evne og kapasitet til å
håndtere en tilsvarende fremtidig krise.
30. ...