Now showing items 1-10 of 37
Dose response severity functions for acoustic disturbance in cetaceans using recurrent event survival analysis
Behavioral response studies (BRSs) aim to enhance our understanding of the behavior changes made by animals in response to specific exposure levels of different stimuli, often presented in an increasing dosage. Here, we ...
Naval sonar disrupts foraging in humpback whales
Modern long-range naval sonars are a potential disturbance for marine mammals and can cause disruption of feeding in cetaceans. We examined the lunge-feeding behaviour of humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae before, ...
Modeling Effectiveness of Gradual Increases in Source Level to Mitigate Effects of Sonar on Marine Mammals
Ramp-up or soft-start procedures (i.e., gradual increase in the source level) are used to mitigate the effect of sonar sound on marine mammals, although no one to date has tested whether ramp-up procedures are effective ...
Pilot Whales Attracted to Killer Whale Sounds: Acoustically-Mediated Interspecific Interactions in Cetaceans
In cetaceans’ communities, interactions between individuals of different species are often observed in the wild. Yet, due to methodological and technical challenges very little is known about the mediation of these ...
Superb Winter fur insulation in small Siberian musk deer (Moschus moschiferus)
We compared the morphology and thermal characteristics of winter pelage from two Siberian musk deer Moschus moschiferus (aged 5 and 41 mo.; 5.7 and 9.5 kg) and two Eurasian reindeer Rangifer tarandus tarandus (aged >48 ...
Behavioral Responses of Captive Herring to Sonar Signals (1-1.6 kHz) of a Naval Frigate Throughout a Yearly Cycle
Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus, is a hearing specialist, and several studies have demonstrated
strong responses to man-made noise, for example, from an approaching vessel. To avoid negative
impacts from naval sonar ...
Disturbance-specific social responses in long-finned pilot whales, Globicephala melas
Social interactions among animals can influence their response to disturbance. We investigated responses of long-finned pilot whales to killer whale sound playbacks and two anthropogenic sources of disturbance: tagging ...
Sperm whales reduce foraging effort during exposure to 1-2 kH z sonar and killer whale sounds
The time and energetic costs of behavioral responses to incidental and experimental sonar exposures, as well as control stimuli, were quantified using hidden state analysis of time series of acoustic and movement data ...
Dose-response relationships for the onset of avoidance of sonar by free-ranging killer whales
Eight experimentally controlled exposures to 1−2 kHz or 6−7 kHz sonar signals were conducted with four killer whale groups. The source level and proximity of the source were increased during each exposure in order to reveal ...
Responses of male sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) to killer whale sounds: implications for anti-predator strategies
Interactions between individuals of different cetacean species are often observed in the wild. Killer whales (Orcinus orca) can be potential predators of many other cetaceans, and the interception of their vocalizations ...