Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • A concept approach to input/output logic 

      Stolpe, Audun (2015)
      This paper provides a semantics for input/input output logic based on formal concept analysis. The central result shows that an input/output logic axiomatised by a relation R is the same as the logic induced by deriving ...
    • A logical characterisation of SPARQL federation 

      Stolpe, Audun (2014)
      The paper provides a logical characterisation of distributed processing of SPARQL queries. The principal notion analysed is that of a distribution scheme; a pair consisting of an evaluation rule and a distribution function. ...
    • On the size of intermediate results in the federated processing of SPARQL BGPs 

      Halvorsen, Jonas; Stolpe, Audun (2018)
      This paper is a foundational study in the semantics of federated query answering of SPARQL BGPs. Its specific concern is to explore how the size of intermediate results can be reduced without, from a logical point of view, ...