Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghrib’s Expansion in the Sahara: New Insights from Primary Sources 

      Skretting, Vidar Benjamin (2020-09-24)
      Although originating in Algeria, AQIM and its allies had by 2012 become so entrenched in the Sahel that they were in de-facto control of vast swathes of territory in northern Mali. This article explains how and why GSPC/AQIM ...
    • Ansar al-Sharia in Libya: An Enduring Threat 

      Gråtrud, Henrik; Skretting, Vidar Benjamin (2017)
      Ansar al-Sharia in Libya (ASL) is one of the most powerful jihadi groups in Libya and it might, in fact, represent a more significant long-term threat than IS’ provinces in Libya. However, there are few recent studies of ...