Now showing items 1-10 of 116
Autonomous, Cooperative UAV Operations Using COTS Consumer Drones and Custom Ground Control Station
The benefits of using UA Vs for inexpensive aerial surveillance and survey have been widely accepted, and UAVs are routinely assisting humans performing ISR operations. While large countries and well-funded military ...
A New Distributed Localization Algorithm Using Social Learning Based Particle Swarm Optimization for Internet of Things
Emerging applications in the Internet of Things (IoT) will depend on the accurate location of thousands of deployed sensors. However, accurate localization of deployed sensors nodes is a classical optimization problem which ...
How to assess good candidate molecules for self-activated optical power limiting
Reverse saturable absorbers have shown great potential to attenuate laser radiation. Good candidate molecules and various particles have successfully been incorporated into different glass matrices, enabling the creation ...
On the size of intermediate results in the federated processing of SPARQL BGPs
This paper is a foundational study in the semantics of federated query answering of SPARQL BGPs. Its specific concern is to explore how the size of intermediate results can be reduced without, from a logical point of view, ...
Isogeometric Analysis of Acoustic Scattering using Infinite Elements
Isogeometric analysis (IGA) has proven to be an improvement on the classical finite element method (FEM) in several fields, including structural mechanics and fluid dynamics. In this paper, the performance of IGA coupled ...
Exact 3D scattering solutions for spherical symmetric scatterers
In this paper, exact solutions to the problem of acoustic scattering by elastic spherical symmetric scatterers are developed. The scatterer may consist of an arbitrary number of fluid and solid layers, and scattering with ...
Karakterisering av dynamitter detektert av hunder – årsrapport for 2017
Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (FFI) samarbeider med Statens vegvesen (SVV) om å bruke
hunder for å detektere etterlatte eksplosiver på tidligere anleggsarbeider i tunneler og langs
veger. Hundene benyttes som et HMS- ...
En morfologisk analyse av tilsiktede uønskede handlinger rettet mot Forsvarets informasjonsinfrastruktur
Forsvarets informasjonsinfrastruktur (INI) skal knytte sammen Forsvarets sensorer, effektorer
og beslutningstakere slik at disse kan samvirke på en effektiv måte. INI er derfor en kritisk
ressurs i Forsvaret, og det kan ...
Guidelines for conducting epidemiological studies of blast injury
Blast injuries are often caused by more than one mechanism, do not occur in isolation, and typically elicit a secondary multi-system response. Research efforts often do not separate blast injuries caused by blast waves ...