Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Multi-gigawatt peak power post-compression in a bulk multi-pass cell at a high repetition rate
The output of a 200 kHz, 34 W, 300 fs ytterbium amplifier
is compressed to 31 fs with >88% efficiency to reach a peak
power of 2.5 GW, which to date is a record for a singlestage bulk multi-pass cell. Despite operation ...
Spectral broadening in convex-concave multipass cells
Since its first demonstration in 2016, the multi-pass spectral broadening technique has covered impressive ranges of pulse energy (3 µJ – 100 mJ) and peak power (4 MW – 100 GW). Energy scaling of this technique into the ...
Ultrafast Pulse Compression in Bulk with > 20 Times Spectral Broadening Factor from a Single Stage
We introduce the combination of multi-pass cell and multi-plate spectral broadening. We demonstrate the compression of 110-μJ pulses from 900-fs to 60-fs in a single stage and report broadening to 38-fs transform-limit by ...
Few-cycle pulse generation by double-stage hybrid multi-pass multi-plate nonlinear pulse compression
Few-cycle pulses present an essential tool to track ultrafast dynamics in matter and drive strong field effects. To address photon-hungry applications, high average power lasers are used which, however, cannot directly ...
High-energy bow tie multi-pass cells for nonlinear spectralbroadening applications
Multi-pass cells (MPCs) have emerged as very attractive tools for spectral broadening and
post-compression applications. We discuss pulse energy limitations of standard MPCs considering
basic geometrical scaling principles ...