Now showing items 781-800 of 2876

    • Guidelines for reproducing blast exposures in the laboratory 

      Josey, Tyson; Ouellet, S; Bieler, Dan; Cernak, Ibolja F; Franke, Axel F; Gupta, Raj; Kirkman, Emrys; Leggieri, Michael J; Orru, Hans; Philippens, M; Risling, M.; Sarron, JC; Skriudalen, Stian; Teland, Jan Arild; Watts, Sarah A; Bjarnason, Stephen (2018)
    • Guidelines for conducting epidemiological studies of blast injury 

      Bieler, Dan; Cernak, Ibolja F; Martineau, L; Bjarnason, Stephen; Franke, Axel F; Kirkman, Emrys; Leggieri, Michael J; Orru, Hans; Ouellet, S; Philippens, M; Risling, MG; Sarron, JC; Skriudalen, Stian; Teland, Jan Arild; Watts, Sarah A; Gupta, Raj (2018)
      Blast injuries are often caused by more than one mechanism, do not occur in isolation, and typically elicit a secondary multi-system response. Research efforts often do not separate blast injuries caused by blast waves ...
    • Multi-watt, multi-octave, mid-infrared femtosecond source 

      Seidel, Marcus; Xiao, Xiao; Hussain, Syed A.; Arisholm, Gunnar; Hartung, Alexander; Zawilski, Kevin T.; Schunemann, Peter; Habel, Florian; Trubetskov, Michael; Pervak, Vladimir; Pronin, Oleg; Krausz, Ferenc (2018)
      Spectroscopy in the wavelength range from 2 to 11 μm (900 to 5000 cm−1) implies a multitude of applications in fundamental physics, chemistry, as well as environmental and life sciences. The related vibrational transitions, ...
    • The Queen Bees and the Women's Team - A contextual examination of enmity and friendship between military women 

      Rones, Nina; Steder, Frank Brundtland (2018)
      In several studies of women in the Norwegian Armed Forces, we have found an assertion that female groups are so riddled with conflicts and enmity that it is preferable to keep women few in number and mixed up ...
    • Tactical Router Interoperability: Concepts and Experiments 

      Holtzer, Arjen; in ‘t Velt, Ronald; Drijver, Floris; Rogge, Henning; Kirchhoff, Jonathan; Barz, Christoph; van Adrichem, Niels; Hauge, Mariann (2018)
      Interoperability on the lower tactical levels, e.g. in a multinational battalion or team, poses challenges because of the high degree of mobility and limited data capacity at the tactical edge. Enabling such multi-national ...
    • Autonomous Optical Survey Based on Unsupervised Segmentation of Acoustic Backscatter 

      Sture, Øystein; Fossum, Trygve Olav; Ludvigsen, Martin; Syre Wiig, Martin (2018)
      The application of acoustics to study the seabed have for decades provided industry and science with valuable information, and is still excels in terms of spatial coverage and detail. An acoustic response from the seabed ...
    • Detection metrics and ship [D]RI 

      Van Rheenen, Arthur D.; Heen, Lars Trygve; Madsen, Eirik Blix; Brendhagen, Erik; Løkken, Kristin Hammarstrøm; Almklov, Bernt; Glimsdal, Eirik (2018)
      Well-known detection metrics based on Johnson criteria or Target Task Performance (TTP) models were developed for land-based targets [1,2]. In this paper we investigate how (whether) we can apply these metrics to especially ...
    • Breathing patterns indicate cost of exercise during diving and response to experimental sound exposures in long-finned pilot whales 

      Isojunno, Saana; Aoki, Kagari; Curé, Charlotte; Kvadsheim, Petter Helgevold; O'Malley Miller, Patrick James (2018)
      Air-breathing marine predators that target sub-surface prey have to balance the energetic benefit of foraging against the time, energetic and physiological costs of diving. Here we use on-animal data loggers to assess ...
    • Effektforbedring materiell: Hvordan rapportere og prioritere mellom behov 

      Author::Hove, Kjetil (2018-10-31)
      Fra og med 2017 har forsvarssektoren mottatt en egen avsetning over statsbudsjettet for å opp- rettholde den relative effekten av Forsvarets materiell, kalt ’effektforbedring materiell’. Med uttrykket ‘relativ effekt’ ...
    • Evaluering av effektiviseringsarbeidet i forsvarssektoren – evaluering etter første året i langtidsplanen for perioden 2017–2020 

      Author::Lien, Brage; Author::Hanson, Torbjørn (2018-07-02)
      I langtidsplanen for perioden 2017–2020 skal forsvarssektoren effektivisere omlag 1,8 mrd. kroner innen utgangen av 2020. Alle etatene har derfor fått i oppdrag å arbeide strukturert med kontinuerlig forbedring og ...
    • Oversikt over FFIs publisering i fagtidsskrifter 2017 

      Author::Eifring, Synnøve; Author::Hammer, Anne-Lise; Author::Musæus, Caroline (2018-06-13)
      Rapporten gir en oversikt over FFI-forskeres publisering i fagtidsskrifter med fagfellevurdering i 2017. Oversikten er hentet ut fra den norske publikasjonsdatabasen CRIStin, som er et felles system for registrering og ...
    • Traffic control in a heterogeneous mobile tactical network with autonomous platforms 

      Author::Landmark, Lars; Author::Larsen, Erlend; Author::Kure, Øivind (2018-08-15)
      Future military operations will involve autonomous platforms and systems. In order for these systems to fully achieve their potential, the autonomous platforms need to collaborate. Each platform might have its own ...
    • SAR ship detection in dual polarization combination channels 

      Author::Lensjø, Øyvind K. (2018-05-16)
      Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery is widely used for automatic ship detection. SAR data comes in different modes and polarization combinations. Dual polarization ScanSAR products offer good spatial coverage, ...
    • Non-destructive testing of graphene/epoxy composites using terahertz waves 

      Author::Rheenen, Arthur D. Van; Author::Johnsen, Bernt Brønmo; Author::Haakestad, Magnus (2018-10-18)
      Earlier experiments have shown that composites that include carbon fibers can exhibit significant transmission of Terahertz (THz) waves, in spite of the good electrical conductivity of carbon fibers. This observation ...
    • On growing operating costs in the Armed Forces - a refinement of concepts and estimates of growth in real output unit costs (GROUC) in the Norwegian Armed Forces 

      Author::Hove, Kjetil; Author::Lillekvelland, Tobias (2017-12-08)
      The growth in unit costs, be it input or output, is often claimed to be higher in the Armed Forces than in the general economy. This growth poses a major challenge to long term defence planning if budgets or ambitions ...
    • Military use of space - WP1 space-based geospatial intelligence 

      Author::Eldhuset, Knut; Author::Lensjø, Øyvind K.; Author::Weydahl, Dan Johan; Author::Olsen, Richard; Author::Broek, Bert van der (TNO); Author::Dekker, Robert (TNO); Author::van Persie, Mark (NLR); Author::Noorbergen, Hein (NLR); Author::Oostdijk, Arjen (NLR); Author::van Swol, Rob (NLR) (2017-12-18)
      SMART MILSpace er et prosjekt hvor Norge og Nederland samarbeider strategisk om militær romforskning. Prosjektet startet i 2013, og del en ble avsluttet desember 2016. Dette er en sluttrapport som oppsummerer arbeidet som ...
    • Modelling human behaviour using behaviour trees 

      Author::Evensen, Per-Idar; Author::Stien, Håvard; Author::Bentsen, Dan Helge (2018-11-27)
      English summary Behaviour trees (BTs) are a relatively new and increasingly popular approach for developing behaviour models for artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent agents. The approach has become especially ...
    • Balansegang når mye står på spill - en case-studie om rådgivere i joint targeting 

      Author::Siedler, Ragnhild Endresen (2018-11-22)
      Joint targeting er stabsprosessen som skal sikre sammenheng mellom operasjonens målsettinger og militære virkemidler. I henhold til Nato-doktrine skal rådgivere delta i prosessen, men hvordan deltar de i praksis? Hensikten ...
    • Beslutningsprosesser i håndtering av en digital hendelse – en Garbage Can tilnærming 

      Author::Fardal, Harald; Author::Elstad, Ann-Kristin (2017-12-13)
      IKT16 var en stor nasjonal øvelse hvor deltakerne trente på å håndtere et stort cyberangrep mot Norge. Formålet med øvelsen var å sette Norge i bedre stand til å møte en stor digital hendelse. I en slik øvelse blir det ...
    • Measurement of point spread function for characterization of coregistration and resolution: Comparison of two commercial hyperspectral cameras 

      Torkildsen, Hans Erling; Skauli, Torbjørn (2018)
      For spectral cameras, the spatial resolution and coregistration of bands are important performance characteristics. The paper discusses how these can be quantified in a way that is relevant for the spectroscopic processing ...