Browsing Rapporter by Title
Now showing items 915-934 of 1974
Legemidler i supplerende medisinsk behandling ved nervegassforgiftning : aktuelle legemidler i beskyttelse av hjernen
(2009)Dersom nervegasser blir benyttet mot forsvarets personell eller mot sivile, er det viktig at man så raskt som mulig kan ta i bruk medikamenter for å redusere skadeomfanget. Forsvaret er utstyrt med nødvendige akuttmedisinske ... -
Lessons learned and best practices from crisis management of selected natural disasters - elicit to learn crucial post-crisis lessons
(2015-02-03)The EU project ELITE (Elicit to learn crucial post-crisis lessons) was a Coordination and Support action project, completed during the period from January 2013 to June 2014. The project received funding from the EU's 7th ... -
Lessons learned from crisis management of earthquakes - elicit to learn crucial post-crisis lessons
(2015-01-08)The EU project ELITE (Elicit to learn crucial post-crisis lessons) was a Coordination and Support action project, completed in the period of January 2013 to June 2014. The project received funding from the EU's Seventh ... -
Lessons learned from crisis management of floods - elicit to learn crucial post-crisis lessons
(2015-01-12)The EU project ELITE (Elicit to learn crucial post-crisis lessons) was a Coordination and Support action project, completed in the period of January 2013 to June 2014. The project received funding from the EU's Seventh ... -
Lessons learned from crisis management of forest fires - elicit to learn crucial post-crisis lessons
(2015-01-07)The EU project ELITE (Elicit to learn crucial post-crisis lessons) was a Coordination and Support action project, completed in the period of January 2013 to June 2014. The project received funding from the EU's Seventh ... -
Liaisons dangereuses - political relationships in the NATO, Russia and Ukraine triangle
(2001)This study investigates the political interactions between three crucial actors on the European security arena: NATO, Russia and Ukraine. The point of departure is that Russian-Ukrainian relations are heavily dependent ... -
Like barn leker best? - en kvantitativ studie av motivasjon og mangfold blant kvinner og menn som tar befalsutdanning
(2012-11-01)Prosjekt ”Forskning på årskull” ble opprettet i 2008, som en del av Forsvarsdepartementets satsning for å øke rekrutteringen av kvinner til Forsvaret og bedre mangfoldet i organisasjonen. Prosjektet ønsker å identifisere ... -
LINE EW-UAS - an experimental unmanned system for coastal surveillance using ESM technology
(2016-05-09)Drones and unmanned systems are attracting increasing interest from both military and civilian authorities alike, particularly in connection with surveillance and security technologies. An example of a use case for such ... -
LINE EW-UAS link and network performance : passive performance analysis from the November 2015 flights
(2016-12-13)The communication capacity needs in the Norwegian Armed Forces (NAF) will increase in the coming years. Radios with high capacity often have strict requirements for Line-of-Sight (LoS). Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) ... -
Lineærprogrammering og mixed integer programmering i strukturanalyser - grunnlag og erfaringer
(2006)The basic concept of optimisation – to find the best solution to a decision-problem, given a set of decisions, an objective and a set of constraints – is at the very hart of decision support and operations research. It ... -
Literature review of atmospheric contaminant transport offshore
(2023-11-17)In this report, we consider the atmospheric dispersion of possibly harmful contaminants from offshore accidents by doing a literature review on the subject. The atmospheric dispersion is mainly governed by the wind, which ... -
Literature review on estimating ice thickness
(2017-12-19)This report is a literature review on how to estimate ice thickness using satellite altimeter and satellite SAR. A presentation is given on ice, the properties of ice and on how sea ice and the ocean reflect back to the ... -
Literature review on ship and ice discrimination
(2017-11-14)Ice melting in the Arctic leads to more ship traffic, fishing, and new opportunities for oil searching and production in the High North. Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) is of interest for Norway, and thus it is of ... -
Literature review on vessel detection
(2004)This report presents an overview of available literature on the subject of vessel detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery. The review was carried out as part of the EU-funded DECLIMS project, which is aimed at ... -
Livet i hegemonens skygge - en småstats sikkerhetslogikk
(2007)The security policies of small states after the Cold War have not been a central area of research. The security logic of the European small states covered by this study depends heavily on the geopolitical settings and ... -
Localization of a merchant ship by means of striations in a lofargram
(2005)In low frequency passive sonar a lofargram is a common presentation form for time varying spectral data. A target may emit narrow frequency lines and broadband noise. Depending upon the transmission channel, the target ... -
Logistics as a security policy tool – exploring motivations for allied support in the case of Norway
(2022-12-10)How, if at all, might logistics serve as a security policy tool for increasing the likelihood of allied support? Over the last few years, European NATO allies such as Germany and France have expressed uncertainty about the ... -
Logistikk og støtte - en beskrivelse av hvilke tjenester som inngår i begrepet
(2008)Logistikk- og støttetjenester utgjør det ressursmessige grunnlaget som den militære virksomheten hviler på, og er avgjørende for at militære operasjoner skal kunne gjennomføres. Logistikk fungerer som en styrkemultiplikator, ... -
Low frequency models for littoral sound propagation - a comparison between a finite element model and a wave number integration model
(2005)Two different strategies for modeling sound propagation, exploring the Helmholz equation, in underwater acoustics are presented and compared, a nite element and a wave number integration model. The numerical models ...