Browsing Rapporter by Title
Now showing items 778-797 of 1974
Information exchange in heterogeneous military networks
(2009)The NATO-equivalent of the Norwegian ”Network Based Defence” is ”Network Enabled Capabilities” (abbreviated NNEC). This concept allows users at all operational levels to seamlessly access the necessary and relevant ... -
Information integration experiment at NATO CWIX 2012
(2012-09-05)An essential part of the NATO Network Enabled Capability (NNEC) vision is sharing of information in order to enhance shared situational awareness. This is anticipated to be an important contributor to building the decision ... -
Information Management i det nye informasjonslandskapet
(2010)Vi møter stadig mer digital informasjon og det skjer i flere og flere nye situasjoner. Dette er med på å forme det nye informasjonslandskapet. Denne ”nye informasjonen” er til tider kvalitetsmessig helt forskjellig fra ... -
Information sharing across security domains
(2015-08-10)Security is recognized as one of the main technological challenges in realizing the potential of Network Based Defence. In particular, cross-domain information sharing is subject to significant security concerns, especially ... -
Information-Centric Networking for mobile military networks
(2019-06-05)Summary Modern warfare requires an information infrastructure that facilitates extensive information sharing. It is challenging to build networks that can support this in an efficient manner, particularly for mobile ... -
Infrastruktur for tillitshåndtering i Windows
(2002)A PKI is viewed by many as a solution that satisfies the security requirements that need to be met by today’s computer systems. The main task of a PKI system is to facilitate the establishment of trust between PKI users ... -
INI som nettsentrisk virksomhetsomgivelse - bruk av "Enterprise metadata" og "Communities of interest" (COIs)
(2006)Net-centricity is an approach that provides users the ability to access applications and services that make sense to them through a web-enabled space, while simultaneously moving toward a web-enabled user community in ... -
Initial lab testing of IP messaging over the AN PRC-117F
(2005)This report documents the preliminary testing of the STANAG 4406 (Formal Military Messaging) using IP over the Harris AN/PRC-117F radio. Functional testing and limited performance testing have been conducted in a short ... -
Initial link layer protocol design for NBWF - input to NATO SG/6-AHWG/2
(2011-10-04)One of the main activities in the FFI-project 1088 TIPPER and continuing into project 1175 (Gjennomgående kommunikasjon for operative enheter) has been our engagement in NATO SC/6-AHWG/2 (V/UHF Ad Hoc Working Group), in ... -
Innledende arbeider med HTCE
(2000)Polymer samples based on hydroxyl terminated caprolactone ether and Desmodur N-100 were synthesized and characterized by various methods. All samples cured well. The curing reaction was monitored by FTIR, and an important ... -
Innledende kartlegging av alternative plattformer for bruk som elevert kommunikasjonsrele i NbF
(2003)This report is a survey over elevated platforms with the purpose to carry communication relays in a network centric context. The report does not give any conclusions, but is meant to be a foundation for further work and ... -
Innsamling av hydrografiske data i Oslofjorden – FFIs bidrag i prosjektet FjordOs II
(2018-10-01)Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (FFI) er med i prosjektet FjordOs II som skal videreutvikle, kvalitetssikre og tilgjengeliggjøre resultater fra en høyoppløselig numerisk varslingsmodell for Oslofjorden. Prosjektet er ... -
Innsamling og beskrivelse av kjerneprøver og grabbprøver fra havbunnen i Forsvarets øvingsfelt i nordlige Nordsjøen 2004-2008
(2008)I forbindelse med oppmåling av havbunnen i Forsvarets øvingsfelt i den nordlige Nordsjøen har Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (FFI) tatt 40 kjerneprøver og 37 grabbprøver for undersøkelser av havbunnens beskaffenhet. ... -
Innsamling og modellering av data for analyse av militære operasjoner
(2008)Denne rapporten er skrevet som en del av prosjekt 1068: ”Metoder og modeller for analyse av freds- og lavintensitetsoperasjoner”. Hensikten med rapporten er å gi en oversikt over metoder for innsamling og modellering av ... -
Integrasjon av nettverkssimulatoren OMNeT++ med HLA
(2011-03-31)Denne rapporten beskriver arbeidet med å integrere en diskret hendelsessimulator, OMNeT++, i distribuerte simuleringsføderasjoner basert på High Level Architecture (HLA). Arbeidet har hatt som mål å samle simuleringsansvar ... -
Integration of chemical and radiological sensors in a tactical network
(2014-09-01)The Chemical and Radiological (CR) sensors in the Norwegian Armed Forces today are stand-alone units giving alarms locally to the personnel in close proximity to the sensor. Other troops are alerted through the chain of ... -
Integrert bro for hurtigbåt - fysiologiske og psykologiske forsøk i laboratorieprototyp
(1994)The evaluation of a prototype of integrated bridge for high speed craft are based on user tests. How such tests can be performed in a simulator are discussed, and subjective rating methods as well as objective psychoph ... -
Intelligent Tactical IP Router
(2009)In connection with the introduction of a Network Based Defence (derived from the original Network Centric Warfare term) we envision a definite requirement for a ubiquitous communications network. This network will be based ... -
Interacting multiple model probabilistic data association - en studie av målfølgingsalgoritme for aktiv sonar
(2003)This document conducts a study of a target tracking algorithm, based on interacting multiple models in combination with probabilistic data association, derived, presented and discussed in the UNISON 2005 project. The ... -
Interactive Terrain Editor (ITED)
(2011-06-27)In military Modelling and Simulation (M&S) the synthetic natural environment (SNE) is a very important component. The first and most obvious aspect is the visual quality a high detail, high resolution SNE makes achievable. ...