Browsing Rapporter by Title
Now showing items 107-126 of 1975
Atommateriale, gass og mikrober som terrorvåpen? - en undersøkelse av terrorgruppers interesse for og bruk av ikke-konvensjonelle våpen
(2002)This report analyses empirical evidence of terrorist and rebel groups’ efforts at acquiring and using chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) substances as ‘weapons’. The significant technical and ... -
Atomprogrammene i India, Pakistan, Nord-Korea, Israel, Iran og Syria
(2011-01-23)Denne rapporten beskriver og diskuterer atomprogrammene i faktiske og noen mulige kjernevåpenstater utenom de fem stormaktene USA, Russland, Storbritannia, Frankrike og Kina, som gjennom Ikke-spredningsavtalen for ... -
Attainment of goals for the Norwegian led provincial reconstruction team in Faryab - an assessment
(2014-02-11)This work addresses the question: “Did we achieve what we planned to do in Faryab?”. The plans for the Norwegian-led Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in Maimanah in Faryab province in Afghanistan is used as a basis ... -
Autokalibrering av kamera ved bruk av rotasjon og vinkelmåling
(2015-06-05)Dette arbeidet er utført med tanke på kameraer som skal brukes for Augmented Reality (AR). AR innebærer at man viser virtuell informasjon plassert på korrekt sted i en reell scene. For å få til dette, må man vite hvor ... -
Automatic detection of oil spills by SAR images : dark spot detection and feature extraction
(2005)This report is written in the context of a PhD-study. The research is aiming at exploiting the potential of automatic detection of oil spills using new, advanced algorithms to demonstrate how well such a system will perform ... -
Automatic path planning for improved combat simulation
(2019-05-06)Summary This report summarizes the results of a cooperation regarding terrain analysis between FOI and FFI (Norway) during 2014–2018. The work was done within the collaborative project Terrain Analysis and Synthetic ... -
An automatic route planning service for unmanned surface vehicles
(2019-05-08)The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) has developed an autonomous unmanned surface vehicle (USV), Odin, which is tasked with performing surveys and mine countermeasures missions. It is meant to navigate ... -
Automatic screening of Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery for detection of oil pollution in the marine environment
(2007)Utslipp av oljesøl i havet fra skip i internasjonale farvann er et alvorlig miljøproblem. Bevist dumping av olje skyldes ofte at skipene ikke tar seg råd og tid til å levere restavfallet i havn. Arbeidet presentert i ... -
Automatic ship detection and confidence estimates
(2017-12-18)The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) has been doing research on ship detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery since the late 1980’s, and the Norwegian Armed Forces have used SAR images operationally ... -
Automatic ship detection based on satellite SAR
(2008)This report focuses on ship detection based on satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. Imagery from the European ENVISAT satellite is analysed and Automatic Identification System (AIS) data from the Norwegian ... -
An automatic station for measurement of meteorological parameters and thermal signatures
(2001)Two measuring stations have been established - the purpose being to collect comprehensive databases of thermal signatures of background elements together with the prevailing meteorological conditions. The databases ... -
Automatic Underway AUV Recovery Using a USV
(2022-09-12)The future Norwegian naval mine countermeasure (NMCM) capability includes unmanned, autonomous vessels. The Royal Norwegian Navy uses the Hugin autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) in mine hunting operations. To facilitate ... -
Automatisering i fremtidens arbeidsliv - hva sier forskningen?
(2020-12-07)Det sies at vi for tiden er inne i «den fjerde industrielle revolusjon», der teknologiutviklingen går svært raskt og har stor påvirkning på arbeidslivet vårt. Utviklingen innenfor digitalisering, kunstig intelligens, ... -
Automatisk værstasjon
(2002)Two nearly identical automatic weather stations have been constructed. They have been applied for establishing comprehensive meteorological databases, which have been used as foundations in modelling object and ... -
Autonome sensorsystemer : kommunikasjonsbehov for uavhengige sensorer
(2004)The network centric approach of the Norwegian Defence drives the need for new sensor systems. Extended coverage and network connectivity must be accomplished by self-organising and autonomous sensor systems. In this context ... -
Autonomous battalion simulation for training and planning integrated with a command and control information system
(2014-01-13)Current Command and Staff training uses simulation systems that consist of computer generated forces in combination with human operators. The human operators receive high level tasks (e.g. company level) as input, transform ... -
Autonomous Sensors and Communications Infrastructure
(2019-06-11)The future digital battlefield will employ a vast number of sensors, both manned and unmanned. Identifying solutions for efficient interconnection between decision-makers, sensors, and effectors is very important to ... -
Avhending av skytebaner og øvingsfelt lokalisert på myr
(2008)FFI har på oppdrag fra Forsvarsbygg gjennomført en litteraturstudie på hvilke tiltak man kan gjøre for avhending av skytefelt lagt på myr. Mange skytefelt er lagt på leid grunn og skal så raskt som mulig overdras til ... -
Å forske på Forsvaret i fremtiden : muligheter, begrensninger og kognitive fallgruver
(2016-12-16)Alle studier av fremtidens forsvar baserer seg på en idé om hvordan trusselbildet, de økonomiske rammene, militærteknologien og de strategiske omgivelsene vil utvikle seg. Samtidig eksisterer disse idéene bare i våre ...