Now showing items 21-30 of 1296
Trender, scenarioer og sorte svaner - utfordringer for fremtidens landmakt
I fremtiden kan norsk landmakt stå overfor helt andre utfordringer enn de vi er opptatt av i dag. Hensikten med denne rapporten er derfor å stimulere til alternative måter å tenke rundt landmaktens utfordringer – og ...
Dynamic mechanical analysis : theoretical considerations on mechanical properties
English summary
Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) is a technique used to study and characterize materials. In
the test method, small test specimens, or beams, are typically subjected to harmonic, three-point
bending ...
Autokalibrering av kamera ved bruk av rotasjon og vinkelmåling
Dette arbeidet er utført med tanke på kameraer som skal brukes for Augmented Reality (AR). AR
innebærer at man viser virtuell informasjon plassert på korrekt sted i en reell scene. For å få til
dette, må man vite hvor ...
Ship detection using high resolution satellite imagery and space-based AIS
Denne rapporten presenterer en test utført i Malangen nær Tromsø i Nord-Norge i september
2010. Høyoppløselige Syntetisk Aperture Radar-bilder (SAR) fra RADARSAT-2 har blitt brukt
for å analysere hvordan SAR-bilder og ...
The Optimum Dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes for Epoxy Nanocomposites: Evolution of the Particle Size Distribution by Ultrasonic Treatment
The ultrasonic dispersion of multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) suspensions was assessed by studying the differential sedimentation of the particles in an acid anhydride often employed as a curing agent for epoxy resins. ...
Performance of a Multiband Passive Bistatic Radar Processing Scheme - Part II
Simulations based on real-life FM radio waveforms showed that the algorithm is capable of improving range resolution, and thus the accuracy, according to theory for single scatterers as is summarized. The performance of ...
Pilot Whales Attracted to Killer Whale Sounds: Acoustically-Mediated Interspecific Interactions in Cetaceans
In cetaceans’ communities, interactions between individuals of different species are often observed in the wild. Yet, due to methodological and technical challenges very little is known about the mediation of these ...
Inverse scattering of dispersive stratified structures
We consider the inverse-scattering problem of retrieving the structural parameters of a stratified medium consisting of dispersive materials, given knowledge of the complex reflection coefficient in a finite frequency ...
Classification of acoustically stable areas using empirical orthogonal functions - examination of stability methods
Overview and control of the oceanographic and acoustic variations are very important in underwater warfare. We have developed a method for dividing an area into smaller subareas that can be represented by a single vertical ...
Ute, hjemme eller begge deler : en sammenlikning av norsk, svensk og dansk forsvarsstruktur
Denne rapporten sammenlikner utviklingen i forsvarssektoren i Norge, Sverige og Danmark. Den
viser hvordan de tre landene prioriterer utenlandsoperasjoner mot innenlands forsvar, og hvordan forsvarspolitikken/-strukturen ...