Now showing items 1-10 of 924
Using web services to realize service oriented architecture in military communication networks
The principles of network enabled capability highlight the need for seamless information exchange. The service oriented architectural paradigm has been recognized as one of the key enablers to achieve this. At the same ...
Enhetlig presentasjon av stedfestet informasjon for Forsvaret
Innhenting av informasjon fra mange ulike aktører og ulike informasjonskilder er viktig og nødvendig for å oppnå en best mulig situasjonsforståelse for den operative bruker. Dette innebære at flere systemer må kunne snakke ...
The ECOMA 2007 campaign: rocket observations and numerical modelling of aerosol particle charging and plasma depletion in a PMSE/NLC layer
The ECOMA series of rocket payloads use a set of aerosol particle, plasma, and optical instruments to study the properties of aerosol particles and their interaction with the ambient plasma environment in the polar mesopause ...
Spaceborne Bistatic SAR Processing Using the EETF4 Algorithm
In this letter, the fourth-order extended exact transfer function (EETF4) is adapted for spaceborne bistatic synthetic aperture radar (SAR) processing. The problems with high squint and large bistatic Doppler centroid ...
Risikovurdering av sjøforurensninger
A risk assessment guideline has been developed for marine or freshwater pollution. Generic criteria for “worst case” situations have been calculated for sediment, water and biota. For situations other than “worst case” a ...
INI som nettsentrisk virksomhetsomgivelse - bruk av "Enterprise metadata" og "Communities of interest" (COIs)
Net-centricity is an approach that provides users the ability to access applications and services that make sense to them
through a web-enabled space, while simultaneously moving toward a web-enabled user community in ...
FFI - vurdering av omfang og virksomhet - fase 3 - forskningsformidling
Military research and development has a crucial importance in order to enhance defence capabilities and multinational
interoperability. Proper reporting from military research to defence decision makers is therefore very ...
ERS tandem InSAR processing for DEM generation, glacier motion estimation and coherence analysis on Svalbard
This paper describes the unique InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) processing algorithms at Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) and how ERS (European Remote Sensing Satellite) tandem data are used ...
Survey of Key Management in Ad Hoc Networks
The wireless and dynamic nature of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) leaves them more vulnerable to security attacks than their wired counterparts. The nodes act both as routers and as communication end points. This makes ...