Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Experimental investigation into radar-based central blood pressure estimation
To assess whether radar technology can be used for monitoring blood pressure via information from the aorta, two experiments were performed: (i) measurements on a phantom model and (ii) acquisitions on a human subject for ...
In-Body to On-Body Ultrawideband Propagation Model Derived from Measurements in Living Animals
Ultra wideband (UWB) radio technology for wireless implants has gained significant attention. UWB enables the fabrication of faster and smaller transceivers with ultra low power consumption, which may be integrated into ...
Radar sensitivity to human heartbeats and respiration
Human heartbeats and respiration can be detected from a distance using radar. This can be used for medical applications and human being detection. It is useful to have a system independent measure of how detectable the ...
Physical Working Principles of Medical Radar
There has been research interest in using radar for contactless measurements of the human heartbeat for several years. While many systems have been demonstrated, not much attention have been given to the actual physical ...
Time-lapse imaging of human heart motion with switched array UWB radar
Radar systems for detection of human heartbeats have mostly been single-channel systems with limited spatial resolution. In this paper, a radar system for ultra-wideband (UWB) imaging of the human heart is presented. To ...