Browsing by Title
Now showing items 996-1015 of 2965
From food defence to food supply chain integrity
(2017)Purpose Consumer confidence in the European food industry has been shaken by a number of recent scandals due to food fraud and accidental contamination, reminding the authors that deliberate incidents can occur. Food ... -
FTSP tidssynkronisering for trådløs sensornettverk - evaluering og tilpasning
(2012-10-01)Trådløse sensornettverk (WSN) har mange potensielle nyttige anvendelser både i militær sammenheng og i det sivile samfunn. Eksempler på dette er overvåking og perimetersikring, helserelaterte sensornettverk eller sensornettverk ... -
Full characterization of spatial coregistration errors and spatial resolution in spectral imagers
(2018)For multi- and hyperspectral imagers, the integrity of the spectral information depends critically on the spatial coregistration between bands. There is at present no commonly accepted way to fully specify coregistration ... -
Fully adaptive radar for track update-interval control
(2018)A fully adaptive radar framework has been proposed in recent publications, and this paper will implement the framework in an adaptive update rate application for a tracking radar. A cost function is developed to balance ... -
Fusing of a continuous output PDR algorithm with an ultrasonic positioning system
(2021-12-09)The availability of inertial navigation sensors in smartphones has facilitated the development of pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR) models on a large scale. These models often consist of a step detection algorithm combined ... -
Fusion of passive and active electro-optical sensor data for enhanced scene understanding in challenging conditions
(2024-11-01)Passive electro-optical systems, such as visible and infrared light cameras, and active systems, such as ladar or LiDAR, can acquire detailed two- and three-dimensional images of a scene. This paper presents a sensor fusion ... -
Fusjon av informasjon fra perimeterovervåkingssensorer
(2004)This report first describes in detail three standard methods for sensor fusion; rule based fusion, Bayesian fusion, and Dempster Shafer fusion. Next, it is described how information from various surveillance sensors can ... -
The future Arctic operating environment
(2024-06-17)The Arctic is evolving rapidly due to the effects of climate change. The most dramatic of these changes is the receding ice on land and at sea that allows greater access to transportation routes and resources. Analysts and ... -
The future Arctic operating environment – Extended summary of FFI report 24/00993
(2024-12)By 2050, trends in geopolitics, environment, military systems, doctrines, and society will have altered the operating environment in the Arctic. This will have significant implications for the Norwegian Armed Forces. -
A future Nordic alliance? – prerequisites and possible operations
(2019-02-26)Rapporten argumenterer mot den rådende oppfatning at nordisk sikkerhets- og forsvarspolitisk samarbeid vil mislykkes. Denne oppfatningen er grunnet i å vite mye om historien til nordisk samarbeid – innsideperspektivet. ... -
The Future of Jihadism in Europe: A Pessimistic View
(2016-12)This article presents a ten-year forecast for jihadism in Europe. Despite reaching historically high levels in recent years, violent Islamist activity in Europe may increase further over the long term due to four macrotrends: ... -
The future of military force – the impact of emerging technologies and defense innovation on state force structures
(2023-01-12)Technological change influences military operations. This represents a significant factor in the outcome of military conflicts. State actors therefore invest substantial resources to develop emerging and potentially ... -
Første møte med Forsvaret - en kvantitativ analyse av data fra sesjon i 2012
(2013-11-20)FFI-prosjektet “Forskning på årskull” har som en av sine oppgaver å identifisere egnede tiltak for å styrke rekrutteringen av både kvinner og menn til Forsvaret. Som en del av dette analyseres data fra Sesjon del 1 – et ... -
Førstegangstjenesten som rekrutteringsbrønn for videre karriere i Forsvaret - en tverrfaglig studie
(2019-10-10)I denne studien har vi benyttet kvalitative og kvantitative metoder for å studere hvordan førstegangstjenesten fungerer som en rekrutteringsbrønn for Forsvaret. Analysen er basert på registerdata for soldater født i ... -
A game-theoretic methodology integrating weapon and C2 contribution to force effectiveness
(2000)The effect of C2 on force effectiveness is given substantial attention over the last decades. However, analysts are still struggling to reflect this effect. This paper presents a methodology that reflects the contribution ... -
Gap test experiments used to study the sensivity of granular explosives
(2004)Explosives are widely used in medium to large calibre projectiles to increase the damage on a target. The ammunition produced by Nammo Raufoss, has superb qualities concerning penetration and fragmentation in a target. ... -
Gasshastighet og trykk i en rakettmotors dyseutløp : beregninger og målinger
(2004)The pressure ratio, k, between the nozzle exitplane and the motorchamber, and the gas velocity at the nozzle exitplane, has been calculated. The results have been used to create propellant composition dependent expressions ... -
GC-MS investigation of VX stored in a steel container
(2007)En stålcontainer med innhold av det kjemiske stridsmidlet VX har vært lagret i mer enn 40 år ved FFI ved -18 °C. Innholdet ble analysert ved hjelp av GC-MS med hensyn på VX og VX nedbrytningsforbindelser i både EI- og CI ...