Browsing by Title
Now showing items 460-479 of 2882
A decomposition solution approach to the troops-to-tasks assignment in military peacekeeping operations
(2019-09-20)This paper considers the Peacekeeping Troops-to-Tasks Problem (PTTP). The PTTP deals with assigning battlegroup resources to a set of tasks associated with a given peacekeeping mission. The tasks may be spread across several ... -
Decontamination of NBC-protective garments - part 3: laundering of NM143 suits and effect of storage conditions
(2001)The NM143 NBC-protective suit used by the Norwegian armed forces has been examined with respect to the feasibility of decontamination by laundering, effect of storage conditions and lifetime. Protective properties were ... -
Decontamination of NBC-protective garments - part 5: Thermal decontamination of the protective suit NM 143
(2002)Thermal decontamination of the NBC-protective suit (NM143) has been studied. The NM143 overgarment consists of a liquid repellant outer layer and an inner layer of activated charcoal fixed on polyurethane foam. Small pieces ... -
Deep temporal detection - A machine learning approach to multiple-dwell target detection
(2020)Detecting small targets, such as an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in high clutter and non-homogeneous environments is challenging for a radar system. Traditional Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) detectors have suboptimal ... -
Deep-ultraviolet picosecond flat-top pulses by chirp-matched sum frequency generation
(2012)Picosecond, flat-top, deep-UV pulses are needed to generate high-brightness electron beams to efficiently drive x-ray free electron lasers. Current metal photocathodes have low efficiency and therefore require high-energy ... -
Defence against foreign influence – a value-based approach to define and assess harm, and to direct defence measures
(2019-11)How can states defend themselves against foreign influence? Western states’ need for a defence against foreign influence is not new, but it has become more pressing over the past decade. Many will claim Strategic ... -
Defence industrial policy – a sound security strategy or an economic fallacy?
(2016)This article explores whether it makes sense for national governments to employ defence industrial policies – such as offsets and discriminatory procurement practices – to support their domestic defence industries. This ... -
The defence industry as a locomotive for technological renewal in Russia: are the conditions in place?
(2017)This article examines the extent to which the conditions for successful military to civilian technological spin-offs are in place in Russia. This is important because Russian authorities use the potential for such spin-offs ... -
Defence investment cost escalation - a refinement of concepts and revised estimates
(2015-03-02)This report explores the topic of investment cost escalation (ICE) – the increase in unit costs beyond inflation between generations of a weapon system. One aim of this report is to clarify important concepts. We make a ... -
Defence specific inflation (DSI) of goods and services - a refinement of concepts and new estimates
(2016-04-04)The growth in prices of goods and services, inflation, is often higher in the Armed Forces than in the general economy. The difference between defence inflation (DI) and the general inflation, for example as measured by ... -
Definisjoner innen Forsvarets kommunikasjonsinfrastruktur - innspill til diskusjon
(2009)Forsvarets kommunikasjonsinfrastruktur (FKI) er et begrep som beskriver kommunikasjonsdelen av Forsvarets informasjonsinfrastruktur (INI). FFI mener at begrepsapparatet rundt FKI ikke er likt definert hos alle aktørene ... -
Dekning, rekkevidde og kapasitet for et 5G-radiosystem
(2023-09-06)Allerede i dag benytter Forsvaret kommersiell mobilteknologi, og det er mange grunner til å tro at militær bruk av mobilteknologi vil øke i framtiden. Femtegenerasjons mobilteknologi (5G) kan derfor bli en vesentlig ... -
Dekontaminering av åndedrettsvern for gjenbruk i spesialisthelsetjenesten i Norge – etablering av nasjonal kapasitet for dekontaminering med hydrogenperoksiddamp
(2021-06-23)Covid-19-pandemien har påvirket tilgangen til og forbruket av smittevernutstyr i Norge. Våren 2020 var situasjonen krevende og det var vanskelig å møte det økte behovet. Situasjonen var særlig utfordrende når det gjaldt ... -
Dekontaminering av åndedrettsvern med hydrogenperoksiddamp - prinsipper, teknologier og systemer
(2020-06-24)Tilstrekkelig tilgang på smittevernutstyr er en forutsetning for at helsevesenet skal fungere og kunne løse de utfordringer de står overfor i en pandemisituasjon. Under den pågående koronapandemien har stabil tilgang på ... -
Deletion of the γ-aminobutyric acid transporter 2 (GAT2 and SLC6A13) gene in mice leads to changes in liver and brain taurine contents
(2012)The GABA transporters (GAT1, GAT2, GAT3, and BGT1) have mostly been discussed in relation to their potential roles in controlling the action of transmitter GABA in the nervous system. We have generated the first mice lacking ... -
Deltagelse i NATO/PFP - interlaboratorieøvelse for deteksjon/identifikasjon av biologiske stridsmidler
(2000)NATO styrker. enten i fredsbevarende operasjoner eller i annen type strid, kan bli utsatt for angrep/sabotasje med biologiske våpen. I en slik situasjon er det viktig at en hurtig evaluering av situasjonen er mulig for ... -
Deltagelse på kurs i SIBCRA prøvetaking - praktisk og teoretisk introduksjon til AEP-66
(2011-10-20)Som en del av det Nordiske samarbeidet innen CBR vern deltok Norge på det Finske ingeniørregimentets SIBCRA kurs ved Keuruu, 4-15. oktober 2010. Sverige og Danmark deltok også på kurset som ga et innblikk i hvordan Finland ... -
Demokratisering og valg : OSSEs rolle i forbindelse med valgene i Bosnia og Herzegovina i 1996-1997
(2000)In the accordance with the Dayton Peace Agreement (signed in December 1995), the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), was requested to put in place an election programme for Bosnia and Herzegovina. This ... -
Demonstrating Interoperability Between Unmanned Ground Systems and Command and Control Systems
(2021-05-25)This paper describes the research and experiment efforts of the NATO STO group IST-149-RTG capability concept demonstrator for interoperability within unmanned ground systems and C2 and the NAAG team of experts on UGV. ...