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Now showing items 37-56 of 2892
Adsorption performance of activated carbon towards toxic industrial chemicals
(2015-04-13)One of the main goals in the project “1238: CBRN-vern” was to extend the present-day knowledge on the current CBRN filter and respirator systems and their possible improvement, in order to give the Norwegian Armed Forces ... -
Advice from the Scientific Advisory Board of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons on riot control agents in connection to the Chemical Weapons Convention
(2018-12-19)Compounds that cause powerful sensory irritation to humans were reviewed by the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in response to requests in 2014 and 2017 ... -
Aegir installation and user manual
(2014-11-19)There have been many civilian Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites in orbit. The Norwegian Defence and the Norwegian Coast Guard have used the Canadian SAR satellites RADARSAT-1 and RADARSAT-2 operatively for fisheries ... -
Aerosol transport in idealized wind-wave systems
(2022-12-22)This report deals with aerosol transport in turbulent wind over water waves. For simple terrain onshore, there appears to be consensus that aerosol transport is well described by simple models. However, for complex terrain ... -
Agent Based Modelling and Simulation - applicability within OR at FFI
(2007)Innen militære anvendelser av operasjonsanalyse utgjør simuleringsmodeller en viktig del av verktøyene. Modellene er bygget for å øke innsikten i et spesifikt system. Systemet kan for eksempel være tapsberegninger i ... -
Agile requirements handling in a service-oriented taxonomy of capabilities
(2016)To get to grips with information systems portfolio development, strategic decisions tend towards service orientation and cloud deployment. Functionality should be presented as services that can be consumed from secure ... -
"The airliner plot" - en kort analyse av operasjonsmønster, motivasjoner og internasjonale forbindelser
(2006)Denne rapporten analyserer informasjon fra åpne kilder om terrorplanene mot fly fra London i august 2006. Vi gjør rede for hvordan terroraksjonen skulle gjennomføres, samt hva som er kjent om de mistenkte og deres nasjonale ... -
AISDET 2.0 user manual
(2011-12-07)This document is the user manual for AISDET v2.0, which a software collection that simulates the performance of space born AIS receivers. It models worldwide traffic conditions and calculates the received signal taking ... -
Akkumulering av miljøgifter i blåskjell og semipermeable membraner i delområde 1 og deponiene ved Haakonsvern orlogsstasjon : oppfølgende undersøkelser
(2000)The bioaccumulation of PCBs in blue mussel and semipermeable membrane devices (SPMD) were studied after completion of cleanup efforts in subarea I at the naval base Haakonsvern. It was not possible to detect any reduction ... -
Aksidentell hypotermi og bruk av rotte som eksperimentell modell
(2000)Accidental hypothermia is an important clinical complication in emergency and disaster medicine. In military medicine even mild hypothermia may seriously influence the soldier’s physiological responses and therefore his ... -
Aktuelle motmidler mot hjerneskader ved nervegasseksponering
(2003)The potential for exposure to chemical warfare nerve agents exists on the battlefield and as a terrorist threat to civilians. Nerve agents are irreversible inhibitors of the acetylcholinesterase enzyme and there-by induce ... -
Aktør-nettverk teori som teoretisk rammeverk og praktisk verktøy for å analysere informasjonsinfrastrukturer i et NbF
(2004)Network centric warfare is the new overall concept for military operations. Such operations are critically dependent on a well-functioning Information Infrastructure. It has been argued that the development of Information ... -
Akustiske ikke-dødelige våpen
(2004)This report provides a short introduction to acoustics in general, and discusses acoustic weapon systems more thoroughly. Acoustic weapons used as non-lethal weapons in various field operations are emphasised. The effects ... -
Al-Qaedas online media strategies: From Abu Reuter to Irhabi 007
(2007)Denne rapporten tar for seg den globale jihadbevegelsens Internett-baserte mediekampanje. Den undersøker i hvilken grad al-Qaeda har utviklet og opererer i henhold til en mediestrategi. Rapporten baserer seg på primærkilder ... -
Al-Qaida : a challenge for Hamas?
(2009)This report explores to what extent the phenomenon of al-Qaida has made an impact on the Palestinian political scene, focusing on the situation in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, where a myriad of small groups claiming ... -
Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghrib’s Expansion in the Sahara: New Insights from Primary Sources
(2020-09-24)Although originating in Algeria, AQIM and its allies had by 2012 become so entrenched in the Sahel that they were in de-facto control of vast swathes of territory in northern Mali. This article explains how and why GSPC/AQIM ... -
Al-Qaida statements 2003-2004 : a compilation of translated texts by Usama bin Ladin and Ayman al-Zawahiri
(2005)This report gives an overview of the statements and declarations issued by the two al-Qaida leaders Usama bin Ladin and Ayman al-Zawahiri in 2003 and 2004. It is not primarily an analytical work, but rather a publication ... -
Aldringsstudier av PBXN-109 med RS-RDX Ch. 719 03 v. 78, I
(2005)Questions have been asked about the stability of RS-RDX with regard to shock sensitivity during the lifecycle of a PBX. To study if there are changes in product properties due to ageing of the RDX have we selected PBXN-109 ...