Browsing by Title
Now showing items 2855-2874 of 2892
Web services and service discovery
(2008)This report is a result of collaboration between the three FFI projects P1086 Secure Pervasive SOA, P1085 SEMANTINI, and P1102 NORMANS R&D. The report describes various requirements that a service discovery solution for ... -
Web services i nettverk med begrenset datarate
(2006)Tjenesteorientert arkitektur (SOA) er identifisert som et av grunnprinsippene for Nettverksbasert Forsvar (NbF), og Web Services er i dag den vanligste teknologien for realisere SOA. Web Services muliggjør interoperabilitet ... -
Web-oriented architecture : network-based defence development made easier
(2009)Information is power. Network-based Defence is about leveraging this power to achieve more effective operations. New technologies are necessary, but so are organisational changes. Web-oriented Architecture (WOA) is an ... -
webSAF - front-end architecture and design
(2020-02-10)webSAF is an easy-to-use, web-based tool for simulation-supported, two-sided wargaming. It consists of a server that communicates with a graphical user interface (GUI) in the browser using WebSocket. It currently has ... -
webSAF -an easy-to-use, web-based graphical user interface for controlling semi-automated forces
(2019-09-16)Ved Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (FFI) ser vi på komplekse problemstillinger relatert til krig-føring. Et av spørsmålene vi undersøker, er hvordan stridseffektiviteten i landoperasjoner kan økes. Som en del av dette ... -
Weeping in Modern Jihadi Groups
(2020-09-14)This article, using a wide range of primary sources, describes the practice of weeping (bukā) in contemporary jihadi groups. It shows that weeping is widespread and encouraged in militant Islamist groups such as al-Qaida ... -
What is audio-visual jihadi propaganda? - an overview of the content of FFIs jihadi video database
(2010)This report gives an overview of the content and organization of the database of jihadi propaganda videos compiled by FFI’s Terrorism Research Group. This, in turn, gives an impression of the kind of audiovisual jihadi ... -
When Insularity Becomes a Problem: The Literature on Jihadism in Jordan
(2020-02-07)This article offers a review of the literature on Jordanian jihadism. While excellent work has been done, particularly on the phenomenon’s history and ideologues such as Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, several topics remain ... -
When Security Speech Acts Misfire: Russia and the Elektron Incident
(2009)In October 2005, the Russian trawler Elektron refused to be subjected to arrest when caught by the Norwegian coast guard fishing illegally in the Fisheries Protection Zone off the Svalbard archipelago. With two Norwegian ... -
When separatists become Islamists : the case of Chechnya
(2004)This report analyses the radicalisation and Islamisation of the Chechen separatist movement. Three developments have contributed to this radicalisation. Firstly, the 1994–96 war in Chechnya resulted in the personal ... -
When the noise goes on: received sound energy predicts sperm whale responses to both intermittent and continuous navy sonar
(2020-04-08)Anthropogenic noise sources range from intermittent to continuous, with seismic and navy sonar technology moving towards near-continuous transmissions. Continuous active sonar (CAS) may be used at a lower amplitude than ... -
"When we understand that slide, we'll have won the war" - peace support modelling with the use of the MARVEL tool
(2012-01-15)This report documents a study for the FFI project The Future Land Power, on the modelling of peace and stabilisation operations. The study was carried out in the period from June 2010 to August 2011, in collaboration with ... -
Why Putin went to war: ideology, interests and decision-making in the Russian use of force in Crimea and Donbas
(2016)Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea, and the country’s prominent role in instigating and supporting an anti-Kiev rebellion in Donbas, surprised the world. This study seeks to explain Russian behaviour in these two cases. ... -
Why Russia opposes a NATO missile defence in Europe : a survey of common explanations
(2013-01-03)During the past decade plans to establish a US-led NATO missile defence system in Europe has been one of the most contested issues in the relationship between Russia and NATO. This report provides a survey of the most ... -
Why terrorism occurs - a survey of theories and hypotheses on the causes of terrorism
(2000)Research literature on terrorism has often been criticised for a general lack of scientifically sound theoretical research on patterns and causes of terrorism. This report provides an updated survey of existing theories ... -
Wideband Interferometry in Synthetic Aperture Sonar
(2013)Synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) interferometry can provide very high resolution images and topographic maps of the seafloor over large swaths. Processing of interferometric data to retrieve reliable depth estimates of the ... -
Wideband Propagation Characteristics at 312 MHz in Eastern Norway and Impact on Waveform Requirements
(2015)A wideband Pseudo-Noise channel sounder built by CRC in Canada has been used to measure the wideband channel characteristics in three different types of terrain in Eastern Norway. The channel characteristics at 312 MHz are ... -
Wideband Synthetic Aperture Sonar Back Projection with Maximization of Wave Number Domain Support
(2017)Wideband and widebeam synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) can provide information on the frequency- and aspect-dependent scattering in a scene. We suggest an approach to predict the quality of the sensor data over the available ... -
WiMAX - teknologi, funksjonelle egenskaper og sikkerhet
(2010)I dag er det en rivende utvikling innen infrastrukturer for elektronisk kommunikasjon. Trenden er at sivile og militære kommunikasjonsinfrastrukturer smelter sammen, både i forhold til teknologibruk og anvendelse. Sivile ... -
WiMAX ytelsesmålinger i skogsterreng
(2008)Det er et behov for økende overføringskapasitet til brukere av trådløse kommunikasjonssystemer, også i Forsvarets taktiske avdelinger. Dette behovet kan trolig til en viss grad dekkes ved bruk av nye sivile mobile ...