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Now showing items 2780-2799 of 2965
Undersøkelse av skipsvrak inneholdende kjemisk ammunisjon senket i norske farvann etter annen verdenskrig
(1989)The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment have investigated five ship wrecks possibly loaded with chemical warfare agents sunk in Skagerrak south of Arendal after world war II. These wrecks were chosen out of 15 found ... -
Undersøkelse av sonarsimulatoralgoritme i PROTEUS
(2014-05-09)KDA har utviklet en sonarsimulator som er basert på en metode utviklet av FFI [1]. Sonarsimulatoren brukes i dag i den KDA-utviklede treneren, PROTEUS. Sjøforsvaret har rapportert manglende realisme i simuleringene og ... -
Undersøkelse av varmebelastningen for NORMANS ABC vernedrakt med membranuniform og med ørkenuniform
(2006)The heat stress when wearing two chemical protecting garments, NORMANS C-membrane and NORMANS C-desert, was compared. Five persons were tested wearing the two garments, walking on a treadmill in a climate chamber at room ... -
Undervannsdeteksjon med aktiv EM : beregninger i forenklet miljø
(2006)A new system for detection of underwater targets by use of electromagnetic waves is considered. Extremely low frequency electromagnetic waves can be transmitted between transmitter and receiver arrays. Any target moving ... -
Undervannsdetonasjoner - en kort innføring
(2016-10-11)Detonasjon av eksplosiver under vann har mange likheter med detonasjoner i luft. En diskontinuerlig trykkøkning, sjokkfronten, brer seg ut i mediet. Bak sjokkfronten synker trykket gradvis og man kan få en periode med ... -
Underwater Acoustic Communications: Long-Term Test of Turbo Equalization in Shallow Water
(2008)Acoustic telemetry sea trials lasting for three months with experiment periods of 7 h have been carried out, using a turbo receiver. The communication channel is shallow; the depth is approximately 10 m, and the range is ... -
Underwater Acoustic Network Simulation With Lookup Tables From Physical-Layer Replay
(2015)An underwater acoustic network simulation methodology is presented that is based on lookup tables (LUTs) with physical-layer error ratios. These LUTs are prepared with a validated replay channel simulator, which is here ... -
The underwater soundscape of the North Sea
(2024-01)As awareness on the impact of anthropogenic underwater noise on marine life grows, underwater noise measurement programs are needed to determine the current status of marine areas and monitor long-term trends. The Joint ... -
Unified Vision 2018 analyses -organizational, cultural, and individual factors
(2020-04-15)This report describes the results from the statistical analyses of the organizational, cultural, and individual factors measured at the joint intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (JISR) exercise Unified Vision ... -
Uniform semiglobal exponential stability of integral line-of-sight guidance laws
(2015)This paper proves that an integral line-of-sight guidance law for path following control of underactuated marine vessels provides uniform semiglobal exponential stability. The stability result is stronger than what has ... -
Uniformly stable wavelets on nonuniform triangulations
(2016)In this paper we construct linear, uniformly stable, wavelet-like functions on arbitrary triangulations. As opposed to standard wavelets, only local orthogonality is required for the wavelet-like functions. Nested ... -
Unimolecular Decomposition Reactions of Picric Acid and its Methylated Derivatives — A DFT Study
(2022-04-26)To handle energetic materials safely, it is important to have knowledge about their sensitivity. Density functional theory (DFT) has proven a valuable tool in the study of energetic materials, and in the current work, DFT ... -
Unmanned aerial communications platforms
(2003)Communications will be critical in a future defence concept that is based on rapid information gathering, dissemination and exploitation. All communications platforms will be considered high value targets. Unmanned aerial ... -
The unrealised case of NATO-CSTO cooperation - explanations and prospects
(2007)Den kollektive sikkerhetsorganisasjonen Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO, bestående av Russland, Hviterussland, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kirgisistan, Tadsjikistan og Uzbekistan) har ved flere anledninger foreslått ... -
An upper-bound metric for characterizing spectral and spatial coregistration errors in spectral imaging
(2012)Coregistration errors in multi- and hyperspectral imaging sensors arise when the spatial sensitivity pattern differs between bands or when the spectral response varies across the field of view, potentially leading to large ... -
Uptake and effects of 2, 4, 6 - trinitrotoluene (TNT) in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
(2017)Organ specific uptake and depuration, and biological effects in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) exposed to 2, 4, 6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) were studied. Two experiments were conducted, the first using radiolabeled TNT (14C-TNT, ... -
Uranets vei til kjernekraft og kjernevåpen - en innføring i kjernefysisk flerbruksteknologi
(2015-11-15)Denne rapporten gir en innføring i kjernekraftproduksjon og kjernevåpenutvikling. Rapporten er ment som støtte på det tekniske området for diplomater, politikere og rådgivere som har behov for å forstå innholdet i eller ... -
Uranium enrichment technologies
(2009)The enrichment of uranium has taken place since World War II, initiated by the quest for the atomic bomb to win the war. To enrich uranium means to separate the two main isotopes that make up natural uranium (U-235 and ...