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Now showing items 2482-2501 of 2965
Spredning av stridsgasser. Kamuflasje
(Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt, 2004)Under arbeider i komitéer og KRB-utvalg (Kjemiske/Radiologiske/Biologiske) for vurdering av farene ved fiendtlig bruk av moderne kjemiske stridsmidler i Norge (i første rekke nyutviklede nervegasser), ble det klart at det ... -
Spørreundersøkelse blant vernepliktige i Hæren vedrørende norsk internasjonalt engasjement, verneplikt og verving
(2000)This report describes the results from a questionnaire among conscripts in the Norwegian Army 3 months into their service. The questionnaire addressed questions concerning recruitment to a professional Army unit, and ... -
Stabilisering av tungmetaller i jord
(2016-03-29)Flere tonn metaller og metalloider som kobber (Cu), bly (Pb), sink (Zn) og antimon (Sb) fra ammunisjon deponeres årlig i norske skytefelt. Metallene som deponeres vil, i tillegg til mekanisk slitasje, korrodere når de ... -
The stabilising effect by a novel cable cerclage configuration in long cephalomedullary nailing of subtrochanteric fractures with a posteromedial wedge
(2019-05-16)Background Clinical studies suggest that an adjunctive cerclage in intramedullary nailing of subtrochanteric fractures improves the outcome. Despite this, to what extent various cerclage configurations influences the ... -
Standardiseringsarbeid i NATO og IETF innen militær meldingstjeneste og ende-til-ende sikkerhetsløsninger
(2003)This report summarises the contribution of the FFI project STAROS in international standardization of Military Message Handling Systems and related end-to-end security mechanisms. The report describes the involvement in ... -
Standoff detection of biological aerosols by means of UV-laser induced fluorescence : results from Umeå trial 2006
(2008)The objective of standoff detection is to enable early warning in case of a biological warfare agent attack. FFI has built a demonstrator employing ultraviolet laser induced fluorescence of biological aerosols. The field ... -
Standoff detection of biological aerosols by UV-laser induced fluorescence
(2008)Denne rapporten beskriver et eksperimentelt instrument som kalles biolidar og som er utviklet ved FFI i perioden 2005-2007. Biolidaren har som formål å oppdage aerosoler med biologisk innhold for å kunne gi tidlig oppdagelse ... -
Standoff detection of biological agents using laser induced fluorescence - a comparison of 294 nm and 355 nm excitation wavelengths
(2012)Standoff detection measuring the fluorescence spectra of seven different biological agents excited by 294 nm as well as 355 nm wavelength laser pulses has been undertaken. The biological warfare agent simulants were released ... -
Static magnetic dipole detection - generalized matched filtering to Anderson functions
(2006)We propose a method for combined noise suppression and target detection for 3-axial magnetometer measurements. Vector linear prediction is used to whiten the noise, and matched filters are used for detection. In a case ... -
Statistical and Algebraic Properties of DES
(2016)D. Davies and S. Murphy found that there are at most 660 different probability distributions on the output from any three adjacent S-boxes after 16 rounds of DES [5]. In this paper it is shown that there are only 72 different ... -
Statistics-based filtering for low signal-to-noise ratios, applied to rocket plume imaging
(2017)Extracting information from low signal to noise ratio images poses significant challenges. Noise makes extracting spatial features difficult, in particular if extraction of both large, smooth features at the same time as ... -
Statistikk i forbindelse med treffsannsynlighet, forsøksskyting og kravspesifikasjoner
(2005)This report contains statistics in connection with ballistics and gunnery and is written for people with little knowledge in mathematics. -
Statsvitenskapelige perspektiver på cyberoperasjoner – en gjennomgang av sentral litteratur
(2024-10-28)Denne rapporten beskriver og diskuterer sentrale bidrag i den statsvitenskapelige litteraturen om staters bruk av cyberoperasjoner som et maktmiddel i internasjonal politikk. Rapporten er delt inn etter litteratur som ... -
A Status Update on Quantum Safe Cryptography
(2021-07-20)There is an ongoing effort to standardize asymmetric cryptography that should not be attackable by a quantum computer. The process is now into its final rounds. From 69 initial submissions from academia and industry, a ... -
Stochastic Analysis of England Grain Prices 1750-1850
(2012)We study the prices of grain in England 1750-1850, with special attention to the Tamboro volcano eruption time period 1815-1820. Two different types of time series are constructed and compared with the historical data. ... -
Stochastic space interval as a link between quantum randomness and macroscopic randomness?
(2017)For many stochastic phenomena, we observe statistical distributions that have fat-tails and high-peaks compared to the Gaussian distribution. In this paper, we will explain how observable statistical distributions in the ... -
Stochastic Theories and Deterministic Differential Equations
(2010-05)We discuss the concept of “hydrodynamic” stochastic theory, which is not based on the traditional Markovian concept. A Wigner function developed for friction is used for the study of operators in quantum physics, and for ... -
Stolt fortid - spennende framtid - FFI 75 år
(2021-04-11)11. april 1946 vedtok Stortinget å opprette Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt. Nå har FFI levert kunnskap og ideer til et effektivt norsk forsvar i 75 år. Historien fortsetter. Her er fortellingene om en stolt fortid og ...