Now showing items 1005-1024 of 2892

    • Global vessel traffic model 

      Olsen, Øystein (2012-11-01)
      A global vessel traffic model is necessary to assess the performance of future satellite AIS systems. This document describes such a model and how it was developed. In most areas, this model utilizes AIS data recorded by ...
    • Globale trender 

      Alme, Vårin; Beadle, Alexander W.; Diesen, Sverre; Hansbø, Morten; Aarønæs, Lars (2020-05-06)
      Denne utgaven av VITEN skrives i en tid med økt spenning mellom stormaktene. Vi ser et mer selvhevdende Russland. Vi ser større usikkerhet i Europa etter Brexit og valget av Donald Trump som president i USA. Samtidig har ...
    • Globale trender mot 2040 - et oppdatert fremtidsbilde 

      Author::Beadle, Alexander William; Author::Diesen, Sverre; Author::Nyhamar, Tore; Author::Bostad, Eline Knarrum (2019-07-05)
      Denne rapporten analyserer den fremtidige utviklingen i Norges globale omgivelser de neste 15–25 årene, og diskuterer mulige implikasjoner for Forsvaret og norsk forsvarsplanlegging. Dagens trusselbilde fremstår som mer ...
    • Globale trender mot 2040 - implikasjoner for Forsvarets rolle og relevans 

      Unknown author (Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt, 2016-01)
      Fram mot 2040 øker usikkerheten rundt alliert støtte til Norge. Samtidig får Norge flere interesser utenlands. Et bredere spekter av oppgaver, der Forsvarets evne til å løse dem blir viktigere, vil sette dagens struktur ...
    • Globale trender mot 2040 - implikasjoner for Forsvarets rolle og relevans 

      Beadle, Alexander William; Diesen, Sverre (2015-11-03)
      Frem til i dag, har Norges strategiske situasjon vært kjennetegnet av at vi er en småstat med en stormakt til nabo i øst, at forsvar av Norge beror på alliert hjelp, og at havområdene rundt oss har en særlig nasjonal ...
    • Globalisation and the future of terrorism - patterns and predictions 

      Lia, Brynjar; Hansen, Annika (2000)
      The present report is a continuation of the work presented in previous reports on an analytical framework for the study of terrorism and asymmetric threats, on the potential for terrorist strikes against infrastructure, ...
    • Glysin som en del av det akutte resusciteringsregimet etter skuddskader hos gris - modulering av den tidlige inflammatoriske responsen 

      Gundersen, Yngvar; Vaagenes, Per; Andersen, JM; Dreiem, Anne; Haugen, AH; Myhre, Oddvar; Reistad, Trine; Sterri, Sigrun; Thrane, Ingjerd (2003)
      As part of a training course in Traumatology and War Surgery organised by the Norwegian Defence Medical Headquarter at Lahaugmoen camp we have used glycine as part of the immediate resuscitation regime after gunshot injuries ...
    • GO-CFAR Trained Neural Network Target Detectors 

      Akhtar, Jabran; Olsen, Karl Erik (2019)
      Detecting targets embedded in noise and clutter is an essential task for many radar systems. A competent system must additionally offer high probability of detection with a low false alarm rate and a standard practice is ...
    • Grafiske skytetabeller for 155 mm artilleri 

      Haarseth, Egil (2007)
      The artillery uses graphical firing tables as backup to determine firing data when the fire control system does not function. Graphical firing tables are easy and quick to use compared to tabular firing tables. The graphical ...
    • A Graphical User Interface for Multivariable Analysis of Silicon Solar Cells Using Scripted PC1D Simulations 

      Haug, Halvard; Olaisen, Birger Retterstøl; Nordseth, Ørnulf; Marstein, Erik Stensrud (2013)
      PC1D is an open source computer program for simulation of crystalline semiconductor devices, and is the most commonly used simulation software in the solar cell community today. In this work we present a modified version ...
    • A graphics-independent computer program for radio communications calculations 

      Åsen, Walther (2006)
      A simple program written in the C programming language is documented. The code is given the name CalcRadio and calculates the effects of radiowave propagation, antenna gain, interference and jamming. The program treats ...
    • The GREAC cell used to establish constitutive models for powder type materials 

      Moxnes, John F.; Frøyland, Øyvind (2009)
      In this report a theoretical and experimental study of a glass powder (diameter of 40-80 μm) is made to establish a constitutive material model by using the GREAC (Gauged REActive Confinement) cell. The GREAC cell is simply ...
    • Group communication in mobile military networks 

      Brose, Margrete Allern; Hauge, Mariann (2012-02-13)
      In both national and international tactical operations there is an increasing demand for electronic information that is wanted anytime, anywhere. This demand for information exchange is expected to increase even more in ...
    • The growing gap between force and power 

      Kjølberg, Anders; Egeberg, Halvor S. (2001)
      The use military force in order to influence other actors has always been both costly and controversial. The main argument in the report is that the use of military force is less cost-efficient than before, in spite of ...
    • Grunnlagsdata for spørreundersøkelsen "Karriere i Hæren" 

      Strand, Kari Røren (2011-01-25)
      FFI- prosjektet ”Forskning på årskull” er en del av Forsvarsdepartementets satsning for å øke rekrutteringen av kvinner til Forsvaret og bedre mangfoldet i organisasjonen. Sentrale oppgaver for prosjektet er å skaffe ...
    • Grunnlagsstudie for ny politikkutforming - nasjonal forsvarsindustriell strategi 

      Bjørk, Hanne Marit; Iversen, Sigurd; Størkersen, Nils; Hoff, Erlend Øby; Engen, Geir; Sendstad, Ole Jakob; Pedersen, Jon Olav (2020-06-15)
      I Meld. St. 9 (2015–2016) la daværende regjering frem Nasjonal forsvarsindustriell strategi. En rekke utviklingstrekk utfordrer nå flere av premissene for strategien. Forsvarsdepartementet (FD) har derfor bedt Forsvarets ...
    • Guide to social media training with Somulator 

      Bergh, Arild (2023-04-15)
      In a crisis: How can the online information environment be handled? The new tool Somulator may contribute. States and extreme political groups have exploited social media in subversive operations over the past decade. ...
    • Guide to social media training with Somulator – 2024 

      Bergh, Arild (2024-09-09)
      How can the online information environment be handled in a crisis? Somulator is a training tool that can help to improve individuals', groups' and organisations' preparedness. States and extreme political groups have ...
    • Guidelines for conducting epidemiological studies of blast injury 

      Bieler, Dan; Cernak, Ibolja F; Martineau, L; Bjarnason, Stephen; Franke, Axel F; Kirkman, Emrys; Leggieri, Michael J; Orru, Hans; Ouellet, S; Philippens, M; Risling, MG; Sarron, JC; Skriudalen, Stian; Teland, Jan Arild; Watts, Sarah A; Gupta, Raj (2018)
      Blast injuries are often caused by more than one mechanism, do not occur in isolation, and typically elicit a secondary multi-system response. Research efforts often do not separate blast injuries caused by blast waves ...